Define Hes Meaning

A gender neutral way of saying his or her.

We will hire the new employee for hes skills in marketing and sales.
By Adela
instead of using his or her in correct grammer, which is annoying, use hes.

Some one is missing his or her sock shall now be Some one is missing hes sock
By Corina
He He~
When you try to imitate Micheal Jackson but ending up something like a girl scream

A kid: Hey check this out I can be like Micheal Jackson
A kid2: Ok show me
A kid: ok then

A kid: he he~
A kid2: wtf
By Yasmin
He He

"He He" said Renee when she made a silly mistake
By Koral
He He
A signature giggle used by Viorica Dancila, first female prime minister of Romania, caused by emotions and being unfit, untrained or unprepared for a diplomatic meeting.

This became a meme in Romania.

Benjamin Netanyahu (prime minister of Israel at the time):
"Pleasure to meet you!" (shakes hand)

Viorica Danicla (prime Minister in Romania at the time):
"He he" (with stupid face on) words in unknown language to humans
By Flory
Basically its when someone uses They/Them pronouns, but doesn't mind being called He/Him either.

They/He seem(s) nice.
They seem nice.
He seems nice.
By Amalea
A group of gender pronouns, confirming a person or other types (non-binary, transgender, more); and meaning that the person likes to prefer the pronouns 'he/him', but does not mind all if 'they/them' is used. Either one can suffice!

I love his accent!
They went to the bathroom earlier.
He/they went to go get some food
By Cathy
A short version of he is.

He is _____.
In the blank, you can insert your favorite adjective.

He's gay.
He's awesome
He's funny.
He's alright.
By Lexie
They He Is
What you will hear from a Kenner Police officer whenever they come upon someone that they know.

(Big O walks into the room)
Thousand: They he is!!!
By Raychel

She asked me to flip then offered me a HE for another $50 at the massage parlor
By Kath