A contraction for "Hello, I find you attractive and would like to dance with you, share some drinks with you, and then perhaps have sex with you. Nothing serious, of course, and I doubt that this will result in a long term relationship, but I would appeciate you considering my proposal."
1. The most informal form of greeting. Usually used in a friendly manner or to sound cool and relaxed.
2. An exclamation used to get someone's attention
A better and somewhat more attractive way of saying hi or hello.
(When texting or talking to the opposite gender)
hey= just friends
heyy= you're cute
heyyy= i have a crush on you
heyyyy= i love you
heyyyyy= i'm drunk
a slang term used in New England in place of a Greeting. Not rude or impatient just used as a neutral greeting to any person regardless of the mood. Used among the youth constantly and seen as rude by older people.