Define Holes Meaning


By Lucine

It is not!
By Shoshana

hey man wanna hang out?
nah, im going out with my holes tonight.
oh. you should buy her a ham for christmas.
By Roxine
shove in shove in

By Libbie
A Hole Is A Hole Is A Hole.
Listen, at the end of the day, a hole is a hole is a hole. Sex is sex. When you get some, you get some. It doesn't matter who it's with, you're still getting some.

John: Brian, do you like guys or girls?
Brian: John, a hole is a hole is a hole. It doesn't matter what they are, sex is sex.
John: You right.
By Rosamund
Hole To Hole
the way you sleep when you MUST sleep with another male, under some extraordinary circumstances that will allow nothing else, so nothin wierd happens while you are sleepin

Jason: hey jason you sleep on top of the quilt i will sleep under

Dale: Nahhh lets just sleep hole to hole so i wont get cold
By Debi
The Hole
Solitary Confinement
Wether its The County Jails or the State Penitentiary Prisons , when a Yellow dressed convict has to be put in time out he gets sent to a cell only for the craziest and most psycho people in the system and bearly get paid attention to for their rational and unsettling behavior.

Don't pay attention to him. That lunatic is in the Hole for his insane behavior.
By Alyce
A Hole
Polite, unoffensive manner to refer to someone as an asshole.

He is such an *A hole*.
By Juliane
Hanging out with a significant other. Such as a date, or romantic elope.

Friend 1: Hey, you want to hang out?
Friend 2: I can't. I'm holed tonight.
By Dorene
A Hole Is A Hole
Expression to describe the essence of life. This expression goes back to the early days of manapes. Their advanced brains used their skill, experience and knowledge to figure out this is the essence of every form of life as we know it. With the upcoming movement of feminism, the modern human is abandoning this key factor of life, because females found out they can whine. Wifebeaters are convicted, while they basicly defend the heritage of the manapes, our great ancestors. Lack of living up to this essence of life results in anti-drug policies.

Female: I'm on my period, we can't have sex... and no I don't want anal :(
Man: Stop your bitching and whining, ass is fine, a hole is a hole woman!
By Marina