Define Homophobia Meaning

An irrational fear of going home.
Homophob(ic) one who is reluctant for the evening to end and finally go home and face what is/not there.
Can describe one who is aware that 'home is not where the heart is, but where the tax bill is' and is reluctant to cross that threshold.

"Hey, where are we going now?"

"Whoa, it's 3pm, we've been going solid since yesterday lunch"

"Uhuh, so where are we going now?"

"I diagnose acute homophobia my friend"

"Look a taxi.."
By Doralia
SHOULD mean:

1. fear of things that are the same

if you look at the basic meanings of its Greek roots:

but in everyday usage means:

2. fear of homosexuals

Or, possibly:

3. condition where one person has the same fears as someone else

1. With his homophobia, he can't look at a bunch of paperclips or go to a prep school without freaking out.

2. My homophobia restricts me from watching most home improvement TV shows.

3. We're both claustrophobic, making us homophobic as well.
By Mahalia
homo pho preference other than victual

His homophobia is his choice. He prefers his pho large, meaty, and spooned into him via his nethers.
By Josephine
A severe condition, usually prominent in Republicans and most of American culture, leading one to:
- innacurately use bible quotings for the justification of killing homosexuals
- restrict the rights of millions
- hide in their rooms crying if they looked at the nude body of one of the same gender and did not vomit
- insessantly call things "Gay"

My mom won't let me go out for the big ethnicity-bashing because of my cerfew! That is so GAY!
By Anderea
Fear that gay people will become as promiscuous as the Mormons reputedly are, thus shutting down the sanctity of the entire institution of marriage, the latter being strongly tied to religious reasoning (though religion itself should not be to blame; people of all walks support the Faith and none should be disrespected for it)

Also fear that your friend might actually be happier kicking it with some sweet, awesome guy instead of saying smack about that one girl whom your group of friends talks about as if she were a slut. Goodness forbid your friend should be happier being in love with a man instead of trying to get in her pants.

Don't hate. Remember the Civil Rights Movement? Remember the struggles blacks went through so they wouldn't be disrespected anymore in public? This is the exact same thing. Remember the discrimination post-911 that Muslims went through in the US? Was that just? No. Just because "fag", "nigga", and "a-rab" are popularized terms, doesn't make them right.

"Dude, I told my little bro not to be a fag, and he told me I had a case of hemophobia."
"I think he meant homophobia, and dude, he's right."
By Nedi
Dislike, fear, hatred, and/or disapproval of gays and/or homosexuality, often (but not always) for religious reasons or because of insecurity about one's sexual orientation.

Many people who suffer from homophobia do not realize it and even deny it. Others will kill gays or accuse them of molesting children.
By Eba

"His homophobia caused him to freak out when he saw his biological twin."
"John picked two different types of buns to put on his sandwich due to his homophobia."
By Mollee
Every one knows Homo in Latin means "one" and Phobia means "fear of" in Latin, thus a homophobia obviously means the dreaded fear of the number one.

As a baby, George was always afraid of the number one. George must have homophobia.
By Aubrie
Homophobia by definition is an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people, or a fear of homosexuals. When in reality, it isnt a fear. You arent scared of gay people. You are just an asshole.

Person 1: Ew hes gay? Gross, I get dressed in the locker rooms with that fag!
Person 2: Wait you have homophobia? Wow, asshole.
By TEirtza
Supposedly meaning 'fear of homosexuality,' homophobia's colloquial and rhetorical effect is often closer to that of 'disagreement with homosexuality.' According to its chief proponents, these two meanings are nearly synonymous, while those labeled as such claim that it is a misnomer intended to libel or slander those in disagreement with a particular lifestyle.

1. Homophobic person: If someone gay touches me, I'll kill them.

2. 'Homophobic' person: If someone gay talks to me, I'll discuss with them at length why I think their lifestyle is a moral/societal/civil mistake.
By Veriee