Define Hungover Meaning

past tense of "hangover". refer to hangover for more information.

I drank way to much alcohol last night that i was hungover all day the following day.
By Lara
the state of being in which a person's electric toothbrush feels like a jackhammer to the head.

Man, I'm so hungover this morning that it hurts to brush my teeth!
By Delcine
to feel like shit after a night of drinking... sometimes results in feeling throwing up, and headaches.

fuck me!! i was so hungover yesterday, i threw up eight times!!
By Yelena

The other night was so fucking amazing ! But I was completely hungover the next day.
By Annelise
screwed over by the most wonderful thing in the world, many peoples best friend, alcahol.

liz :"jen mate. i'm well hungover."
jen :"YERMATEEE. me too. fuckin' fuck cider & black mate."
By Glennis
Stage where I don't have the strenght to write this definition.

I am so hungover, looking for an exemple to write is giving me headache.
By Willa
Do wake up next day,after a long day at a party or club,etc with a high amount of drinking or smoking weed. And wake up the next with a bad headache,dizzy,some cases throwing up,and a little buzz still.

Damm man i cant concentrate for shit rn
I was at Carolina party and we drank a shit ton and smoked like 6 blunts im hella hungover.
By Andromache
A term used to describe the world of crappy sensations you get the day after consuming a lot of alcohol, i.e. huge headaches and body aches, vomiting, spinning world, lethargy, sick-to-your-stomach, etc.

I drank too much on saturday so I was all hungover the next day.. I couldnt get out of bed
By Thomasa
A extremely scary creature that awakes from its cave at around 12-3 p.m after a fun night of drinking. You can identify this creature by its terrible smell, its failed attempts at walking, its usage of the same clothes and its desire to talk in gibberish or puke at random moments.

Roomate 1 : Do you smell that? I can't breathe!!!
Roomate 2 : I'll call poison control, somebody's ought to be hungover
By Mil
Hungover The Moon
Colloquial take on the classic idiom, 'Over the moon'.

The short, sweet period the next day when you are still drunk, before the real hangover kicks in.

'How are you feeling today?'

'Pretty good, actually. I'm hungover the moon!'
By Coralyn