Define I Like You Meaning

I Like You

i like you but im scared to dm you
By Milissent
I Like You
When used by a guy: "You're cool and I want sex, but I don't want a relationship, or otherwise I would've asked you out."

Andrea: "So, what do you want to do?"
Brian: "You know, I like you."
By Tabitha
I Like You
When you show deep affection for someone.

By Charline
I Like You

If you are seeing this, I like you.
By Gretchen
I Like You Game
It's a game for two people at a time. The players take turns saying "I like you" or "I love you" or practically anything flirtatious until the other blushes. The one to blush losses.

I love the I like you game. It's great to play with my friends
By Bryna
I Like You, Dude
Something very gay to say to a total stranger

"I know you said you weren't here to make friends, but i like you, dude."
By Janka
I Like You As A Friend
Dam that’s hard if someone(someone you like) says that to you.

Person1: hey I like you

Person2: um sorry I like you as a friend

By Dolorita
I Like You As A Person
Basically there is no hope in a relationship so keep the friendship strong. They like who you are as a friend but they don’t see you going anywhere as they only like you as a friend.

I like you “ - her

I like you as a person” - him
By Sileas
I Like You A Lot
I love you. If you have said "I like you a lot" more then 100 times to the same person it probably means that you love her/him.

I like you a lot Miss Sarah. A lot!
By Lilas
I Like You As Fuck

By Eustacia