Most of the people who go to this site.
Make a definition, of "slang" words; which really has no
true definition anyhow, and then think they know what they're talking about.
Our planet is full of a lot of them(so called "gangsters/
gangstas", "racist", "politics", "scientists", anyone who believes and accepts what the public feeds their ass with and follows the idiot flock meaning the rest of the group), but inside we're all actually pretty damn smart we just deny it so damn much we're going to die of ignorance.
Open your eyes and you'll see them everywhere.
Re-mixed quote from sixth sense, "I see dumbasses. They're everywhere. They don't know they're dumb. They see what they want to see, and believe what THEY want to believe(not seeing things as they are but as they WANT them to be, oh and I know that's not exactly how the line went but if you're judging me because of that, you're totally
missing the point and are possibly an idiot yourself)"
People who think 98% of us have racism within.
People who think gangsta has a meaning, when really even a club of nerds could easily be so called "gangstas". I honestly don't see what makes a wannabe "gangsta" different from a "
real gangsta" when they both seem pretty stupid and the same with their guns,
bling-bling, and way of speaking(besides color, voice, etc but that dont mean shit).