Define Illicit Meaning


By Haily
Illicit is another word for a female online predator looking for teenage girls or teenage boys for that matter online. This predator will do anything for you to gain her trust. She will take you in with some sob story ( pretending she got cancer ) or something along the lines of that to get the young teenager to feel sorry for her. She will have an online relationship with this girl/boy and soon want to meet up with them. She's very into BDSM and is about 10 times the size of any average 15 year old meaning it would be VERY hard to escape her arms. This predator normally works in a pair and is engaged to a guy that she doesn't normally let anyone find out about that. She can be a real bitch sometimes to, so watch the fuck out.

She's illicit on retros run!
By Ruthann
eliciting details of an illicit manner

My bashfulness kept me from responding to my friends' illicitation for details about my one-night stand
By Farah
Latin for the word snot as well as german for the word poop

Ass flakings
A Full tissue
By Julissa
Illicit Affairs

and thats the thing about illicit affairs and clandestine meetings

and longing stares

theyre born from just one single glance but they die,

and they die,
and they die, a million little times

leave the perfume on the shelf,

that you picked out just for him
so you leave no trace behind,
like you dont even exist
take the words for what they are
a dwindling mercurial high
a drug that only worked

the first few hundred times
By Daphna
Illicit Affairs
a taylor swift song that is like low-key amazing

"Have you listened to illicit affairs yet?"
"Yes like 7 million times, who hasn't?"
By Poppy
The Illicit Yet Infamous J Grimes
an influential (albeit malevolent) Internet personality who’s shtick consists of provoking the public and offending the world on religion, politics, celebs and literally everything and shows zero remorse for it as nothing truly matters to J himself. Grimes is notorious for being brutally honest and being the Jack of all trades; no one like the sinful son himself

J Grimes truly is da wickedest 🤙

People hate to admit he’s right about everything, that celebrities are stuck up and that breaking morality is what gets you to the top aside from 1% luck, they like truth until you throw it in their face. J grimes is the rapper that teaches that rebellion is acceptable and that it’s in our nature and that famous people are just as shitty as the rest of us

J likes to corrupt things and juniorize them, like making parodies of songs and causing people to turn on one another cuz it’s fun, if there’s music and dancing then junior grimes is for sure to be nearby

*people at synagogue enjoying ceremony*

J grimes: *shows up undetected*

J grimes: alright it’s showtime!

Jews: *suprised pikachu face*

J grimes: who wants pork chops? >:)

Jews: RUN! somebody stop him!

J Grimes: too late......

Everyone there: *panics and screams in agony*


The illicit yet infamous J grimes is the ugly truth of humanity and the beautiful lie at the same time


Teacher: alright class who here can name one of the worst dictators in history?

Student 1: uh adolf hitler?

Student 2: junior grimes?

Teacher: well, you didn’t have to go that far, looks like there’s no competition when it’s the infamous j grimes

Classroom: .....woaw

Student 1: oh yeah I forgot about him

Teacher: don’t mention his name, it’s forbidden

J grimes: duh! Who tf you think your referring to?

Students: *facepalm*
By Fay
The Infamous Yet Illicit J Grimes
The worst of the worst. Allows evil to exist and has no intentions to stop.

though known under many different names he’s got no shortage of talents; dancing, singing, rapping freestyle, mechanic skills , playing instruments , to negotiation tactics and multilingualism.

The forbidden one has since day 1 vowed to become the greatest which is why he’s always been determined to come out on top even going far as to mastering nearly every skill known to man.

He allowed islam to be created in order for people to kill each other over it and indirectly manipulate people through false religions

This kid has no right being this justified and right about the world and society

he challenges everyone’s beliefs and doesn’t give a fuck whom he offends or hurts. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that this unknown kid won’t do , he’s a chaotic force of destruction to anyone/anything


The infamous yet illicit J grimes: *drops a new album*

World: *goes on lockdown AGAIN**

J grimes IS DOUBLE LETHAL to say the least
By Willetta
Illicit Lit
A creative nonfiction writer's term for those who are fanfiction writers who get celebrated and urinate on those in original fiction trying to gain a readership or those who had introduced creative nonfiction to indie publications. It's up there with busting a fabulist or authors who get their journalistic sources from Fandom_Wank.

The Queen of Gargoyle Fanfic had been producing illicit lit since the mid-1990s. Along with her peetards shit on a piece that made waves since 2002 that's the creative nonfiction successor to The Tell-Tale Heart.
By Celie
Illicit Nature

By Fancie