Define Information Meaning

A new term thats spreading across the US like wildfire.
Information means marijuana, and to be informed means to be high.

guy 1: "Yo dude, wanna buy some information?"
guy 2: "No thanks man, Im already informed"
By Hyacintha

This American is uninformed because they are to lazy to read the information.
By Madelon
To inform or give information to a person or group.

Hey, did you hear how Bob lost his job?
Wow really, that's news. Anything else?
Nope that's all that needs informanting.
By Kendre
A person whom the government pay to snitch on people. Sometimes they work as double agents informing drug houses of a comming raid.

I got put in a cell with an informer.
By Frank
To dispense information, as coined by Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff.

"they'd rather speculate before they informate..." song: misunderstood lyrics by lil wayne
By Della
An undercover agent. Usually in alliance with the cops. Informs about illegal activities.

Quavo: How da hell you got caught bruh

Takeoff: I copped from informants bruh
By Ardenia
Anyone who snitches on another person for illegal actions, especially for small offenses.

If it weren't for that stupid fucking informer, the party wouldn't have gotten busted by the cops.
By Roxana
Information is data that is available to humans though the normal means of perception like sight, hearing, touch and maybe others.

Information aquired my humans is knowledge, knowledge combined with experience is wisdom.
By Sallyann
A more proper way to say 'slang'. was intended for words' informal uses, but the site now encompasses many more types of words.
By Ally
Information is facts that give people knowledge.

By Cassandry