Define Inoculate Meaning

Controlled exposure to an infectious agent (virus/bacteria) to build immunity to the agent.

Also, controlled exposure to an infectious idea or propaganda, so as to build up resistance to the idea.

Bob is a staunch democrat and liberal but will often show up at Republican rallies to inoculate himself...
By Aurora
Inoculation (innoc)
The technique of making fun of oneself before anyone else can in order to lessen the pain and/or embarrassment.

Fat Kid: Hi. Boy I am fat.
Other Kid: Wow, good innoculation.
By Magdalen
Religious Inoculation
If religiosity is considered to be infectious, as it spreads uncontrollably through the human population like a virus....then religious inoculation would be controlled exposure to religious influences so as to build immunity to it

Sam's annual visits to his family church is his way of religious inoculation ...
By Roda