Define Isnt Meaning


Don't shmoke dat grass man, you gonna turn into an isnt!
By Nara
referring to a bulbous sexual organ, which all heterosexual men find attractive, or in reference to a specific sexual action that one would perform on another.

Give me one good reason as to why I should "isnt" all over her back.
By Charlotta
Isnt It Always
1. One of the greatest bands in the unsigned South Jersey Music scene!

2. There music is sex on a CD.

3. The members arent bad too.

girl: did you see Isnt it always last night?
boy: HELL YEA I lost my virginity to them.
girl: Oh?
boy: nah.
By Sunny
This Isnt Blank
The fucking stupid thing that nobody has any idea what it fucking means

this isnt blank means:
Hey did you see today
yes I saw today he was wearing a nice outfit today it looked like
By Linell
It Is What It Isnt
1)For something to not be what you thought it was.


Man: I thought that was all your real hair

Women: Yeah, thats right its fake!!

Man: Yeah, I see now "It is what it isnt"


Women 1:Girl, he has a lot of money and has nothing but the best.

Women 2:Who him?He works at the thrift store and lives with his mother

Women 1:Oh, So i guess "it is what it isn't"
By Regine
Markiplier Isnt Real
He isn't real, it's just not true, too good to be true. If your here from years after, here's a bit of nostalgia

Markiplier and all of his friends and family telling the truth: Markiplier isnt real
By Hettie
My Mic Isnt Working
The most common excuse for not participating in class when the teacher picks on you. Yeah, if thats you, pay attention in class loser and get off your phone.

Teacher: "John, can you read the next paragraph?"
John: *Minding anything but his classwork*
John: *writes in chat*: "My mic isnt working" (yeah yeah yeah)
By Alexina
What Word Isnt In The Urban Dictionary
not this one. this one is. So is that. and all of these.

How do you like that? It's in there too.

Jimmybob: "Yeah, I wanted to add a word to the urban dictionary, so I searched up 'what word isnt in the urban dictionary', but some dinglehopper put that in there too."

Bobjimmy: bruh
By Dulce
If It Isnt Broken Theres Something Wrong With It

So and so remarks...I simply can't forsee myself conforming to socially acceptable norms, I've always felt that...if it isnt broken theres something wrong with it.
By Agace
This Isnt Where I Parked My Car
A phrase commonly used to get out of an awkward situation.

Cooper walks in on drakes mom, cooper says this isnt where i parked my car.
By Marice