Define Kameleon Meaning

Kameleon Zero
Some odd combination of a form of lizard and a robot from Mega Man X. Said to look like Lizard Man from Soul Calibur except with big eyes and futuristic armor.

Kameleon Zero just raped you with his high tech computer program!
By Agatha
Also known as BIG K for obvious reasons... He is a rapper that lives in North Carolina. He is usually found at K-Mart, but also dwells around SouthPoint Mall. A Ruff Aider.

Yo man, where did Kameleon go? It's like he disappeared into that wall.
By Dori
Spanglish cross between Chameleon and Camaleon, Kameleon is the third and final part of KT Red's full stage alias.

KT Red Kameleon is rocking tomorrow's hottest looks on today's runway!
By Gladi