Define Keemstar Meaning


I just put my keemstar outside on my grass where it belongs
By Blancha
A man who calls people n*gger and is a bald gnome

A keemstar quote "this stupid fuck bitch all righteous fucking N*GGER alex is doing this shit"
By Robbie
1. a puerile polemicist; self-proclaimed internet celebrity and renowned bullshit artist; possibly the real life inspiration for the Scumbag Steve meme; one who is fond of leading circlejerks; hypocrite

2. any successful, middle-aged person who, upon experiencing midlife crisis, reverts to wearing fitted caps and basketball jerseys whilst getting stoned and playing video games with his friends

"Do you and Dan still collaborate on anything?"
"No, not since he went and keemstarred during our last project."

"I don't blame her for divorcing him, he wouldn't stop keemstarring in front of the kids!"
By Annissa
The psychopathic hypocrite that thinks he's doing the world a favor by reporting "NEWS" about the website you tube. He has threatened to DOX people and even made death threats that are total bullshit.

Jim: Do you know that guy keemstar?
David: oh yeah the guy that told everyone to type in chat that Alex is a stupid nigger?
Jim: That's the guy!
By Nana
1. A cancerous lump that causes many headaches.
2. A gnome.
3. A sociopath

1. Leafy had a case of keemstar.
2. Brenda add a keemstar to her garden.
3. Hey, that guy who makes drama alert videos sure is a keemstar
By Mignon
A sad, fat man, with no life who's ready to die of a popcorn overdose. He also seeks to ruin the lives of innocent people in order to gain fame and money.

Man: "Hey dude wtf why'd you key my car?!"
Dude: "Because, I'm a Keemstar!"
By Daisi
the guy who had his hands up on blogtv and called Alex a nigger.

By Karole
An annoying guy with a moustache or beard. Often a two-faced person.

At first, I thought my ex-boyfriend was hot. But he's really a keemstar. He makes fun of me and calls me a bitch.
By Phillida
The man who "always tells the truth". Need proof? He said "he always tells the truth". He's also "fast as fuck boiii", and says "what are those" to prosthetic feet.

He's also a fucking retarded garden gnome whose owner smashed with a fucking shovel a couple of times. That's why he's absolutely fucked in life. He's currently going through a midlife crisis by "debunking all this shit" and telling his fans that "he only tells the truth."

Basically he's a fucking idiot and I honestly hope LeafyIsHere sues him. Jesus fucking christ.

Let's make his catch phrase:


My friend pulled a Keemstar today by lying to everyone but then telling everyone he was telling the truth.
By Jacqueline
keemstar (real name: Daniel Keem) is one of the most famous people on youtube and he is known for his for false pedophile allegations against big youtubers like pyro synical .
He was the most subscribed channel on youtube for years until an other channel called scarce surpassed him because of a shout out from a big channel called gradeA underA .
Keemstar is considered a racist piece of shit because of recorded audio's and videos of him saying a lot of racist stuff

keemstar = Dickhead
By Florie