Define Killed You Meaning

Killed You
whenm some one is dissed you say killed you

_ya momZ a ho

_oh She jus killed you
By Shaina
Kill You.
Something pussies who would never kill a damned thing say when they aren't going to do shit but want to sound badass.

Person 1. I'm gonna fucking Kill You.

Person 2. Shut up and go home.

Person 1. Ai'ght....bitch. *Then walks home.
By Carlina
Kill You In The Face
When you tell someone you want to kill them but would like to emphasize it more by adding the classic your face put-down

Some guy: Hey your girlfriend is sitting on my lap.
Boyfriend: Touch her and I'll kill you in the face!
Other people: Laugh hysterically
By Caresse
I Will Kill You
barneys way of saying give me your address .

"get in the van i have candy and i will kill you" barney said
By Analiese
Ill Kill You
1. a signal that youve done something very very very wrong.

2. the cue to haul ass.

3.a consequence of doing something very very very wrong and you now need to haul ass.

1. "i peed in your pool."
"ill kill you"
2."shit, dude i just got cought by my girlfriends dad."
(shotgun reloading noise) "ILL KILL YOU!!!!!"
By Gabrila
Kill You Dead
A southern phrase used when you are really pissed off at someone and want to beat them to near death.

By Muriel
I'll Kill You
Used to express opposition or disagreement by someone who really is powerless to do anything against what you are about to do.

A false threat, unless used by a Hell's Angels during a gang war.

1. I swear I'll kill you if you touch my chocolate bar.
2. I'll kill you if you sleep with my boyfriend.
By Nollie
Kill You In Half
A term used when the victim has not yet reached the level of deathdom but is half way there.

Dammit Eric! Im gonna kill you in half!
That nub just got killed in half
By Mikaela
I'll Kill You

Fundo: Hey lady. Can I bum a cigarette?
Fundita: I'll kill you.
Fundo: Really? Let me go grab a condom.
By Lory
Silence! I Kill You
Made famous by Achmed the dead terorist, this phrase became one of Jeff Dunham's most loved lines and is now used to express a burst of anger towards someone.

Joe: Man you realy should not be driving.
Moe: Silence! I kill you
By Cathleen