Define Lcpl Meaning

The abbreviation of the rank Lance Corporal. Grade E-3 in the Marine Corps. His duties are neverending but last no longer than 4-6 years. He has the ability to do firewatch, clean, get devildogged, be completely unaware of his surroundings or situation, not give a fuck, PT after a night of drinking and unprotected sex, lose rank, gain rank back almost instantly, stay a lance corporal his entire contract, hate everyone, get fucked by the corps and skate like a motherfucker.

Gunny, "Hey! What the fuck LCPL?!?"

LCPL, "Lance Corporal don't know."
By Brynna
An abreviation for Lance Corporal. A rank in the Marine Corps. Usually careless and does what one wants at a whim

LCPL does not care.......
By Tiffy
Lcpl Gill
A false motivator of marines who is obsessed with nearly every type of reliable small arms weapon system foreign and domestic especially of 7.62mm caliber and makes it his personal goal to aquire as many of these "prized possesions" as possible. He believes that conducting live fire exercises such as mowing down hostile trees with AK-47s' stateside will improve his chances of survival in a life or death situation. He believes the more personal "tactical gear" he has, such as molle vests and magazine pouches the cooler he is.

Hey man, that isnt an original 1940 enfield N0. 5 carbine is it?

Why indeed it is, i thought only Lcpl Gill knew that.
By Lucina
LCpl Ortiz
The first dominican marine general; coconut cutter, one who always says the words "ok" and "bueno"

LCpl Ortiz, Are you going to do that?



I am the first dominican general!
By Lana