Define Leftists Meaning

A person belonging to the political left and usually identifying with the radical, anti capitalist, or revolutionary sectors of left politics. Includes anarchists, marxists, communists, socialists, and all other explicitly radical left ideologies.

That guy's a total leftist, his pantry is full of Molotov cocktails and nothing else.
By Daisey
Someone holding “left” political-economic views (e.g. anti-capitalist, socialist, anarchist...).

Leftist views often critique capitalist markets as being wholly insufficient in satisfying human rights and desires.

While mainstream politics have largely accepted Reagan-era “trickle down” economic theory, the leftists continue to reject this outright. Leftist maintain that capitalist profit is always created through the extortion of labor, “Money doesn’t trickle down. It’s soaked upward through low wages and a system hat prioritizes profit over people.”
By Deerdre
Similar to a liberal in that this represents left-wing viewpoint on the political spectrum, but self-identified leftists are typically more anti-capitalist than liberals. Sometimes used by right-wingers as a derogatory term.

A lot of leftists I've talked to really don't like Hillary Clinton.
By Kimbra
The people wrote the definitions for Donald Trump and Republican

There’s a lot of leftists on this site, apparently
By Ninnetta
A person who identifies with political left wing ideology. Sometimes confused with liberal, however leftists often view liberals with contempt. Seeing them as ineffective, spineless, and susceptible to fascist influence. Leftists are traditionally anti-capitalist, however some may not be inherently anti-capitalist and may more so align themselves with regulated capitalism and social democracy(the Scandinavian Model).

Pursuant of social justice and social reform as a way to balance out the alleged disparity of power between the classes of people. Leftist movements are nearly always populist, emphasizing the important of widspread political action.

Occupy Wallstreet was a protest by leftists in favor of economic reform.
By Lilas
A person who simultaneously advocates for radical individualism, and radical egalitarianism.

Radical individualism being the exhuberant (and often jealous) exercising of personal freedoms without a sense of responsibility to human history, immutable principles, or the society around them. The individual tends more to emphasize personal *rights*, while neglecting personal *responsibilities.* When widely adopted, this leads to social/cultural decay.

Radical egalitarianism is the advocation of equality of *outcome* rather than equality of *opportunity* and, often unconsciously, seeks to persecute those who have achieved more than others with the hand they've been dealt. Thus the desire for the biggest kid on the block (government) to impose, whether by force of law or bullets, an elastic concept of "fairness" on achieving citizenry.

While, at their core, the two concepts are often at odds, they are emphasized at different times, which circumvents this conflict.

Leftists very often view such figures as Marx, Castro, Chavez and their ilk with sympathy, if not admiration.

"Its very difficult to speak to my dad. He fought in WWII and I'm a leftist, so there's just this huge philosophical gulf." :\

"Yeah, I know the Inquisition killed, like, 3000 people over a coupla hundred years, but it just flabberghasted me how many millions were killed in leftist regimes in just the 20th century!"
By Corine
1. A member of an ideological camp that defines socialism as a form of totalitarian secular feudalism; an advocate for the management of non-Leftist people as farm animals

"When the Leftist tried to convince me that North Korea had the only true and just form of socialism on earth, I gave up on trying to talk rationally with him and just walked away."
By Ferne
A name given to a person with left wing beliefs by somebody who is right-wing.
Often derogatory.
see leftie

"Only traitors and leftists wouldn't vote for Donald Trump!"
By Verile

Karl Marx was a leftist and therefore a hypocrite
By Mufi
1)a lazy, self serving, communistic, marxist, anti-christian, islamist loving weasel
2)a inadequate, insecure person who tries to silence and belittle those who disagree with their opinions, but in reality all they do is delete those popular and truthful urbandictionary defintions.

99% of the posters in urbandictionary are leftists
By Camala