Define Male Meaning

something gifted with two heads, but only uses one or the other...or neither

female: want to come over later?
male: sure
male's thoughts: dude! sex!
By Fawne
His gender.

He is a male.
By Maurine
A word often seen on the sides of mailboxes of illiterate people.

Hey Cletus, we got some male!!!!
By Leonanie
1.the cause of global warming and everything else bad that happens on earth of the best things that ever happened to woman

3.someone who thinks they are better then everybody when they aren't

damn...that male is hot

i am better than that male

By Charmane
Male: those of the human species who produce the Y chromosone in reproduction.

Commonly known as : Sexist, Egotistical, Self-centred, Machoistic, Hypocritical (abbreviated list)

Statistics: At one of many points during their life, each male progress through several phases, most of which they never grow out of.

1. Showing off; due to the compulsive need to bolster their ego's, males show of and compete with the intention of proving themselves better than every one else.

2. Arrogance; mistakenly believing that they are the superior sex, when it is woman who bring them into the world and nuture them. Looking down their nose with contempt at those who may not have the beliefs, values, or materialistic perks that they have.

3. Sexism; forgetting that they originally started off as females.
Evidence: males have nipples when they have no need for them, however, a fetus that MAY develop into a female WOULD need them. IT has alos been scientificcally proven.

4. Nymphomaniac; regardless of what they actually think perosnally, they project an image to the world that all they are after is sex, thus creating the sterotypicla view of males, which ahs been proven true considering that they think about sex on an average of 400 times a day.

5. The Baby; whinging, whining, and all around bitching that they can't do something, an attemtping to make other people do it for them. Also, exagerrating injuries out of proportion for attention.

At some point in their life, all males are COMPLETE and UTTER jerks. Granted, women are often bitches at some point, but men do it far more often, are FAR more aggressive, and every war ever started and kept going ahs been cause buy a man.

Males are agressive, competitive, single-track tunnel view thinkers, who do not think into the reasons (such as emotional, or circumstances) for peoples behaviour.

Granted, there are exceptions, but they stand at around 2-5% of the male population- and those are the exceptions that show the world what they are, instead of hiding behind the maks of a big tough guy.

1. Teenage males.
2. Mid twenty aged males.
3. Middle aged males.
4. 20-40 age group.
5. All ages.
By Sharai
1. Generally good people. But there are some examples of true assholes who do think that women are inferior to them and are just a means for sex. Not all are, but a select few need to get a serious wake up call.

For those who don't, thank you for being a good person. For those who do, if you need sex that bad, here's a magazine, some lotion, and I hope you are smart enough to find your hand.

3. female
An inferior species that, over the course of time, has not learned that it's purpose is sex. They have insisted that they be equal to men, when in fact, they could never be. Fat women should die.
Rape is fun. Really fun.

See asshole
By Robbyn
I personally use this as an insult to any men who are close to me, it's a friendly insult; if you get what I mean. Dosn't mean anything as men (of course) are proud to be male as women are proud to be female, both too proud perhaps.

Men rock! I love 'em (specially men who like other men, they tend to be nicer) although some men are absolute horrid people who toy with women, cheat, use them but its the same for women too; stupid sluts. giving the rest of us females a bad name =(

Me: you're so male
Him: well... you're so female!
Me: *gasp* take that back!
Him: never!
Me: stop being so male and take it back, damn it!

(actual conversation)
By Fiorenze
a disease one suffers from

person 1: patrica you don’t look so good
person 2: i’m just down with “male”
By Garnet
A life support system for a penis. Is replaceable by a dildo. Soon to be abolished.

Meant to fuck, mow the lawn and do all the heavy lifting. Nothing else.

If you are offended by this definition, please see what "males" wrote about the female. And you will understand.

Girl: Hey, little doggie, go mow the lawn, you worthless male!!!
By Elfreda
When a male gets on top of a male (hints: male on male) in a sexual or playful way.

Sam and Cole, intoxicated, were doing male-on-male after the party.
By Isobel