Define Michelle Meaning

A tall goddess whos beauty and love one could die for, and an attitude and stubborness to match. Nontheless, She is the stuff dreams are made of.

By Conchita
Michelle's are extremely gorgeous, and can be quite seductive, so watch out! they are also very loyal friends. While they tend to be quite goofy at times, they are always there for you when you need them. They tend to be slim, athletic, curvy people with thick and wavy hair. They are very smart, their name comes from hebrew, which is translated into "like god".

I wish michelle was my friend!
By Devon
Hebrew meaning "like God"...michelle's are often Leo's, astonishingly gorgeous, very athletic, dark hair and usually curly/waivy/thick, another thing is that almost all Michelle's have similar noses.

guy#1. "man that girl was hot and good in bed"
guy#2. "must've been named Michelle"
guy#1. "how'd you know?"
guy#2. "..."
By Lavinie
Michelle means the most beautiful, caring/ kind and cute girl. a good singer and creative at art. She is smart. This name comes from spain. She is awesome to be around and she is fabulous what ever she does. Most michelles will probably recognize each other. michelle is a gift from god

Look I think her name is michelle
By Kissee
1.A girl who does not try yet always gets attention.

2.Usually musical girl with a modern siren like vibe.
/ A girl always causing men to "crash" due to her beauty.

3.Highlyly female attractive who could care less

1. I was such a "Michelle" last night. Even when I went to the corner of the room guys followed me.
2.My wife had been such a "Michelle", when she played her violin or sang I was mezmerised.

She's such a "Michelle", I told her she looked gorgeous in her dress and she just shrugged.
By Constance
Michelle is a name meaning 'who is like God' This word can therefore be used as someone who is extremely awesome and funny to be around. Michelle is similar to God. Amazing.

Damn, I hung out with Peter yesterday and he was so Michelle
By Legra
very smart,cute,nice,generous

By Laurella
a pretty hot girl who has pretty bad taste in guys

"dude i tried to get with michelle last night but she blew me off for some ugly dude"
"thats because she has a bad taste in guys"
By Magdalena
the most beautiful girl you will ever meet inside and out. she has thick, rich, and deep hair whether in color or in volume. her eyes are a beautiful shade of brown and you can look deep into them and get lost in their beauty. she can make you laugh your heart out, and smile till your face hurts. she is so intelligent, but so outgoing and cool. she will be one of the
most popular girls you will ever meet and its for her inner and outer beauty. if you find a michelle you wanna keep her because its hard to find ones like her. dont be fooled though, she will not forgive if you screw it up.

boy: i met a girl named michelle yesterday and she blew my mind
boys brother: go get her
By Barbara-Anne
a girl with ocd who screams randomly and gets her friends in trouble for it. calls you at 12 am and wakes you up. loves guys in tight pants. size c boobs. hits on peoples boyfriends. gets silly. awesome person.

madison: hey whos that girl spazzing out?
ashley: oh thats michelle.
By Cass