Define Misinformation Meaning

Any information that contradicts corporate media and government narratives, regardless of its actual veracity. See also: fake news

The Hunter Biden email leak story is misinformation. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
By Mireielle
The wrong information, often given on purpose to cloud the recipient's understanding of a topic.

**see also Disinformation

Mary knows that shy Bob likes Ann, who secretly likes Bob back. Mary likes Bob too. Bob asks Mary about her friend Ann's relationship status. Mary gives misinformation to Bob by saying she's not exactly sure if Ann is still seeing her old boyfriend. Mary knows Bob will be too shy now to clarify Ann's status with her directly.

See also Disinformation.
By Lulita

'Repeat misinformation loudly enough, often enough, and it becomes information', she believed. 'We'll just say "It was Antifa and Black Lives Matter that stormed the Capitol, dressed like Trump supporters", and no matter what they see, they'll say it too, and it will become their truth. ... By the way, the election was stolen.'
By Ellette
Any information not pre-selected by the US Mainstream Media and social networks as something that is factual.

Misinformation about the US election dropped significantly after Donald Trump was banned from Twitter.
By Perry
Any statement that might hurt the Democrat Party, or any statement at all from a right-wing person. They (DNC) will use their Ministry of Truth (the media) to "fact check" the statement.

Donald Trump: The sky is blue.
The media: Trump spreads dangerous misinformation by claiming that the sky is blue
By Maribeth
What the media doesn't tell you when talking about all the horror stories on the coronavirus is that though over 3,000 people is a lot when you've lost a loved one, there's still over a billion people that lived on in China. Instead, all you hear about is how people should worry more than they are, that they should take more caution, but that they shouldn't panic, and that they should remain calm, which is all contradictory.

The misinformation about the coronavirus and deaths is not all coming from China, it's on the news in the united states.
By Violetta
A true thing that elites don't want you to believe.

By Rozina
When Bailey says that Tyler called them boring

"tyler called me boring and I've been thinking about it ever since" a.k.a misinformation
By Nadean

'If you repeat misinformation loudly enough, often enough, it becomes information', she observed. 'Just say "It was Antifa and Black Lives Matter that stormed the Capitol, dressed like Trump supporters", and no matter what they see, they'll say it too, and it will become their truth. They will go to their graves repeating that the election was stolen.'
By Kirsten
Collateral Misinformation
When someone alters a Wikipedia article to win a specific argument, anyone who reads the false article before the "error" is corrected suffers from collateral misinformation.

I changed the scientific classification of red foxes last night in order to win an argument with Judy. I hope some stupid High School student didn't suffer from collateral misinformation.
By Consuela