Define Misunderstood Meaning

this website is mis understood. not quite as much as the word "urban" dictionary. dispite popular belief urban is not the freakin "hood" were nothing but gangsters, crackheads, and hookers live. look out your window. do you see a buch of richies homes. if not you live in the hood. and even if you do see richies homes and cars outside your window you still aint got nothin stoppin you from talkin like you frum tha other side of the tracks. urban is slang. where you put deffinitions of slang wordsnot found otherwise in websters or another proper dictionary. and guess what you buch of tight asses. racism exists in the hood. so unless they are getting on here saying stuff like i am kkk and ima black panther then quit gettin your feelings hurt. so what somebodee says nigga, or peckerwood, or taco bender, or jap. are they sayin that shit to you or your homie die-rectkly?

me i am misunderstood if this deffinition gets erased. and if it does the people who did it aint got no biznass on this site.
By Neala
gay, stupid, or retarded in denial

"im just misunderstood"

"no u aren't retard"
By Zola
The act of doing one thing and people thinking you meant it in a different way. Can cause affence and confusion and is responsible for a lot of good relationships breaking up. Normaly caused by hearing said event off someone else who does not know the full story (Hayden).

"Laura, Mark said this......"
"He did! What an ass hole!"
Mark (hearing later: "I didn't say it like that, I was misunderstood!"
By Sasha
An amazing progressive rock song from the band Dream Theater off of their 6th studio album Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence. The third song on the first disk at 9 min long (rather short for them), delivers experimental chord progressions with a wide range of pedal effects and a soft intro followed up with a distorted chorus and solo with a layered minor 3rds effect. The lyrical meaning matches the theme of the album with psychological disorders describing from the inside a figure who is surrounded by so many in their life (fans, followers), yet are misunderstood and are not actually superhuman as their followers believe. These popular figures (possilby describing John Petrucci himself) feel abandoned in their lives "knowing so many, never really knowing anyone". The time signatures are not as progressive as many of Dream Theater's songs, but do include a 5/4 measure in each chorus lengthening the phrase along with an solo/outro, containing a 3/4 measure shortening the phrase. Dream Theater is one of the greatest bands of all time and surely anyone who is not yet a fan should learn some quick music theory, then listen to their music and absorb the complexity and perfection written into their songs.

Punk: Dude, wat u listnin to?
Prog rocker: Misunderstood.
Punk: O, that mean ur emo or somethin?
Prog rocker: *rips out guitar and shreds a JP solo*
Punk: *face melts off*
By Candis
When something a person says or something they do in a certain way is naively taken out of context to make it seem like they meant it in a different way.

Person 1: "Michael Jackson was a strange paedophile"
Person 2: No, he was just misunderstood"
By Beverlee
Elvira aka Eldog aka TinkerElle aka Frankenlini the Sag aka Elle

Elvira is so miisunderstood. Can’t people see that she is iconic and amazing. Not to mention SPIRITUAL

Misunderstood is when people don’t understand Elvira is on a deeper and spiritual level.
By Guenna
Misunderstood Person
Never gets texted back or called back, always has to text first. Normally alone since people don't want to take the time to know them as a person. Whenever they try to talk to someone they always get brushed off. Normally used for their sensitivity and good will, something that they do in the hopes that someone someday will maybe genuinely like them.

He wasn't trying to fuck you, he just wanted to be friends, he's just a misunderstood person.
By Tiffy
Misunderstood Racism
Someone who believes liking anyone that is white is a racist act. Is usually someone who is African-American or a mix.

Person 1: I prefer Romney over Obama.
Person 2: You jus' be sayin' dat cus he's white. You be racist.
Person 2: You hatin' on me cus I'm black!
Person 1: You have just Misunderstood Racism.
By Moyra
Clearly Misunderstood

"Man I was dreaming sound of silence man" - jake

What I dont get it I clearly misunderstood

By Nadya
Misunderstood Beauty
means the beauty that have been misinterpreted and mystery. The extraordinary beauty that makes everyone amazed like have been spelled. All men and women can never look away from them. Dark but elegant. If misused this beauty can cause damage to themselves.

Her misunderstood beauty makes him wondering..
By Bobbi