An amazing progressive rock song from the band Dream Theater off of their 6th studio album
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence. The third song on the first disk at 9 min long (rather short for them), delivers experimental chord progressions with a wide range of pedal effects and a soft intro followed up with a distorted chorus and solo with a layered minor 3rds effect. The lyrical meaning matches the theme of the album with psychological disorders describing from the inside a figure who is surrounded by so many in their life (fans, followers), yet are misunderstood and are not actually superhuman as their followers believe. These popular figures (possilby describing John Petrucci himself) feel abandoned in their lives "knowing so many, never really knowing anyone". The time signatures are not as progressive as many of
Dream Theater's songs, but do include a
5/4 measure in each chorus lengthening the phrase along with an solo/outro, containing a 3/4 measure shortening the phrase. Dream Theater is one of the greatest bands of all time and surely anyone who is not yet a fan should learn some quick music theory, then listen to their music and absorb the complexity and perfection written into their songs.
Punk: Dude, wat u listnin to?
Prog rocker: Misunderstood.
Punk: O, that mean ur emo or somethin?
Prog rocker: *rips out guitar and
shreds a JP solo*
Punk: *face melts off*