Define My Balls Meaning

My Balls
A shortened version of you're breaking my balls. Much simpler to deliver and produces the same effect.

Basicly, when "someone is giving you a really hard time" as mentioned in the original.

Evan: You think you might be able to lend me some cash?
Karl: My balls.

Evan: You think we can reduce my debt to you to only 70$?
Karl: My balls.

Evan: Guess who I'm going out with?!
Karl: My fuckin' balls.
By Penelopa
My Balls

"How big is my work load tomorrow?"
"As big as my balls"

"How are you today?"
"My balls"
By Allison
My Balls
the two words that preceed a noun or verb, whenever you see something amazing or retarded.

holy shit dude, did you see that 18 inch black dick on tv last night?

yeahhh, it was as long and thick as my balls.

i just smoked 9 joints, i'm as stoned as my balls.

shit on my balls, i just got that bitch pregnant, now i got another kid in another area code.
By Trish
On My Balls
NYC slang. Similar to “on my mama, on my life, on my dad”. You can also say “word to my balls”, which is similar to “word to my momma, poppa, who-fuckin ever”.

Tavion (tay-VEE-on): Yo, r u deadass?

Deonte: Yea, I’m so deadass, wrd2 everything bro. I put that “on my balls”.
By Pollyanna
My Ball
An urban game played on Neg's Urban Sports on Balls Of Steel.
To play, find a group of people playing a sport like football or rugby and steal the ball. Leg it. The longer you keep hold of the ball, the more points you get. If you get tackled, you fail and lose your points.

Just played a game of my ball and they gave up chasing me! Infinite points! Woop woop!
By Ettie
My Balls!
Shouted by a person with a testicles after they are hit in them . Preceded or succeeded by groaning , moaning , grunting , sqeauling and /of crying , while clutching the scrotum overhand or underhand . Eyes may bulge wide and go cross eyed as well.

Woman kicks man in the the testicles*
Man doubles over clutches his crotch 😯😦😮😲😫😱” My BALLS!”
By Terry
Drained My Balls
When I have so much sex, that my orgasms don't produce gizzum anymore.

Man, I rubbed out so many, I drained my balls.
By Lacey
Chortle My Balls
To felate a man with such vigor and enthusiasm that one sucks his balls all the way to the back of their throat, thus making a "chortle" sound.

And if you don't like it, you can chortle my balls!
By Rafaelita
Breaking My Balls
when someone is giving you a really hard time.

Hey man, quit breaking my balls.
By Adah
Jacking My Balls
Not doing anything, wasting time, lollygagging, being abnormaly lazy

Rob is over there working hard and im just over here jacking my balls.
By Amargo