Define My Dick Meaning

On My Dick
A phrase used to explain a situation where person is very infactuated with you and in return becomes somewhat of a nuisance.

"Oh my god, Michelle wont stop calling me! she is on my dick!!!"
By Denise
My Dick
The reason most of those bitches are on Maury in the first place.

Damn right you are not the father! But go ahead and take care of it, because my dick has places to be.
By Celeste
My Dick

My dick *points to crotch* right here.
By Emmye
My Dick

By Mallorie
My Dick
A rap song by Mickey Avalon, that brags about the wonders of a large dick, and degrades those unfortunate enough to have a small, otherwise useless pecker.

My dick: cost a late night fee
Your dick: got the HIV

My dick: like an M16
Your dick: broken vending machine

My dick: sick and dangerous
Your dick: quick and painless
By Kimmi
My Dick

My dick is non-existent because I am female
By Kirsteni
On My Dick
When a girl is obsessed with a guy and is always around him and won't leave him alone.
The guy isn't her boyfriend and most of the time doesn't even like her instead talks shit behind her back to his friends.

Person #1 "So Sabrina's still calling you?"
Person #2 "Yeah yo, that bitch is on my dick"
By Meghann
My Dick
Your most valued object in your possession. You treat it like your dick, very gently and only let people that you REALLY love touch it.

Dude! Don't mess with that CD! That thing is my dick!
By Ardelle
As My Dick
when something is very drastic, good in taste or exciting.

yo man that sandwich was delicious AS MY DICK
By Pavla
My Dick
My favorite thing found in a women; is the biggest

I bet that dudes favorite thing found in a women is personality, my favorite thing found in them is my dick!
By Beverlie