Define Narcos Meaning

Drug traffickers from Colombia thta worked for drug kingpin Pablo Escobar in the 80's.

I better get some coke from those narcos man!
By Peri
a drug dealer, specifically one who deals narcotics

taken from the Spanish word "narcotraficante"

Man, look at that narco hangin' on the corner slanging that shit.
By Mimi
A narcotics officer.

Also see narc

Damn narco busted Earl for meth.
By Lib
a drug dealer, specifically one who deals narcotics

Man, look at that narco hanging on the corner slangin.
By Gleda
tired like narcoleptic, as if you would fall asleep randomly

im so narco..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
By Riane

"Man, i just got my a** whooped by Narcos on Soul Calibur II, and now i'm scared to leave the house!"
By Enid
(noun) A person with narcissistic tendencies; someone who is in love with one's self.

Audra: "Can you believe how fucking great Mindy thinks she is?"

Jen: "Yeah, she is a complete narco-bitch."
By Donnie
a nickname for a undercover cop car that is unmarked

Mark got a ticket yesterday for honking at a Ford Explorer that cut him off turned to be a narco
By Sydel
Some stupid 10 year old kid who always smells like he came from the dumpster.

Narcos is just plain rotten
By Katherina
Narco Trafficante
Drug trafficker in spanish. Someone who smuggles and distributes drugs from/into the US from Mexico or other Latin America countries.

I come on the front of the Narco Trafficante I get to telling them motherfuckers "Yo mato por nada" They like "What that mean?" I had to tell em', that mean I kill for nothin. - Kevin Gates
By Marleah