Define Neither Meaning

AKA- Taint, Chode, Gooch, Etc. It's the area between your ass and either your balls or pussy, depending on your gender.

Why do you refer to your taint as a "neither". Because it's "neither" your ass or your balls.
By Ula
None of the answers.

Is "2 + 2" 7 or 3? Neither, it is 4.
By Jenine
Me Neither

"i just tried to the new toasty torpedo for only four dollars."

"me neither"

"Walugi still sucks at mario party 2"

"me neither"
By Jolie
either one or the other or none.

There are three men trying to woo and marry a girl. Either-neither will marry that girl.
By Allsun
Neither Here Nor There
An expression that means "not important or relevant." In most common speech, this expression usually follows a random side note that the speaker thinks is interesting but is not related to the subject at hand.

I met this random chick at the club and she wants to get together. Man she's gorgeous! Her parents are from Panama which by the way, has 13 of the 15 tallest buildings in Latin America. But that's neither here nor there...
By Cara
Neither Three Nor Four

1. I felt uneasy at the party; it was full of people who were neither three nor four.

2. Mum doesn't want me to mix with those people; she thinks they are neither three nor four.
By Karrah
Neither Three Nor Four
(work) not done properly; (person) not qualified to do certain things; not decent company

He is not a proper plumber; your toilet will be neither three nor four if you let him do the plumbing for you.
By Micki
Neither Templar Knight Nor Fanatical Dog
this term is used to describe

1) a problem in a given scientific subject that is so hard and incomprehensible that even most people with a PhD in that field have trouble making head or tail of it.

2) a phrase meaning neither here nor there.

3) something that has rarely been seen in the scientific world, and it is therefore hard to distinguish what it is or is not.

two boys discussing physics homework:

boy 1): I cant understand this problem for the life of me. I cant believe that our school would give us physics problems that are neither Templar Knight nor Fanatical Dog. Wtf?

boy 2) Roflmao champ! We are in private school, right? are you lazy, or are you a normal student, and will therefore work on this problem comme du monde?

boy 1): lol. Today i feel like I am neither Templar Knight nor Fanatical Dog. I feel like I just want to complain to someone for no specific reason.
By Michelina
As Neither Fish Nor Good Red Meat
stuck in the middle; not truely one thing or another.

"That's what General Rawson thought you would say,"
Lauffer said emotionally, "as your father's son, as the great-grandson of General Pueyrredon. That you would join us!"
Don't get carried away, Roberto," Clete said. "I'll fly the airplane, if it comes down to that, but I'm not enlisting in your army."
"Actually, the subject of a temporary commission did come up," Martin said. "Would you be willing-"
"I already have a Marine Corps commission," Clete said.
"This would be a temporary commission," Martin said. "It would solve a lot of problems...."
"Would I have to swear an oath? Of allegiance?"
"Yes, naturally. Of course."
"The moment I did that," Clete said, "I would lose my American citizenship."
"That would be difficult for you?"
"Yeah, it would," Clete said without thinking about it. "I don't want to do that."
He happened to glance at Martin's eyes.
And saw in them that be had just closed a door that would never again be opened.
If I had accepted that temporary commission under these circumstances, where accepting it might mean that I would find myself standing in front of a wall with Rawson, Martin, and Lauffer, even if it lasted only 3 days, they would thereafter have accepted me a bona fide Argentine. Now that will never happen.
Well, so be it. I'm an American. I don't want to give thatup.
"That leaves you, of course," Martin said, cordially enough, "as the English would put it, as neither fish nor good red meat"
-W.E.B. Griffin p-591 (Blood and Honor)
By Gladi
Neither Nyah Nor Nyah
How based chads say the phrase, β€œneither here nor there.” In other words, a humorous way of saying something has no relevance to the topic at hand.

This phrase originated from the YouTube channel Actual Justice Warrior, who uses this phrase frequently and has become an inside joke among him and his viewers.

Friend: β€œAJW’s shirt looks really weird in this video.”

You: β€œI actually think his My Little Pony shirt is cool, but that’s neither nyah nor nyah. Just watch the video.”
By Benni