Define Nerves Meaning

Underground agency created by the United Nations to act as a catalyst for the Human Instrumentality Project. The organization's overt function is to protect all remaining human life from angels after the second impact.

God's in his heaven, all is right with the world. - NERV slogan
By Nicolina
an instance of tolerance of someones B.S.

I have one nerve left, and you're on it.
By Juliet
1) The audacity to get on my case.
2) A sensitive point or soft spot.

1) That pip-squeak had the nerve to get right up into my grill.
2) Ouch...that sarcastic comment hit every nerve in my body.
By Nadia
NERV- a graffitti artist, a bomber, claims throwups as panels, also highly skilled in reverse throwups, master of hangouts and front runners, sydney australia

By Dena
Short for nervous, can also mean pissed off/something got under your skin.

Nick: What happened dude?
Tom: We started talking about the time Billy's sister gave me a handjob, and he got kinda nerv.
Nick: Lol.
By Carolynn
The Nerve
The low tolerance of someone or something and how it would make them/it feel or react just to get their own point across or get their way.

"Did you hear Dana was yelling at the principal about how the school system is running"

"yeah, the nerve though"
By Nickie
If you have the nerve to do somthink then you've got alot of guts but its used in a bad way.

you've got some nerve thinking you can get away with smokin weed in my house.
By Rosalind
a combinatoin of a nerd and a perv.
(sometimes perd)

Nerv: pokemon are sexy!
Me: eww.....
Nerv: *vivid and disturbing discription on pokemon getting busy*
Me: your a nerv!
By Leese
Imagine The Nerves
"Imagine the nerves" is a quote from the Twitch streamer and YouTuber Acai. It is his most famous quote, and was created when Acai had difficulty FC-ing Soulless 4. This also affiliated Machinations A, Breaker Solo and Stepping Solo A and B as Clone Hero memes; often changing a song gradually into these sections. These songs would trick Acai into playing them, and the joke repeats. As of now, the quote is dead as Acai recently FC'd Soulless 4.

Acai: And then, right after that orange wall, right after the section I just played; you have this to worry about.
*Plays Machinations A*
Acai: And then it comes again.
*He is still playing Machinations A*
Acai: So, Imagine The Nerves, Imagine The Nerves; FC-ing past that. Okay. Machinations A. This is one-this is the first part uhhhm. That is most unlikely in an FC past Fatalism. I really do not see anyone ever FC-ing past Machinations A. Oh, but what if, what if somebody does? We can theorize that all we want. This little solo called Stepping Solo. Now, check this out.
*Plays Stepping Solo A and B to Breaker Solo*
Acai: Check out that transition. Look at this. Review! Review! We talked about Machinations A. Imagine FC-ing past that, and then having to wait getting to here.
*Plays Stepping Solo B*
Acai: ...Past Machinations.
*Plays Breaker Solo*
Acai: ...And having to deal with that too, y' know? Stepping Solo B, y' know, to Breaker Solo. That's uhhh not very possible to FC- up to, even. No-one will FC up to Stepping Solo B. The day they do, I'll give 'em- I'll give them 100 bucks. Straight up.
By Doralia
Some Nerve
"some nerve" is used to describe people that have a lot of balls, guts, or nuts to ask or do something. It usually is used in a negative light.

For example: A homeless house guest that has been given a lot of gifts, a truck, a house of their own, and a job has "some nerve" to ask for more.

Homeless House guest: Thanks for the truck, house, job, and new clothes.

Hostess: Your welcome, I'm glad I could assist.

Homeless House guest: Before I move out into that new house with the new car you gave me, what happened to the birthday gifts you were going to give me?

Hostess: You have some nerve asking for more things when it's clear I have given you a lot.
By Fey