A term referring to a person, a place, or a thing; essentially something that exists.
Such nouns include:
*me (Dave)
*George W Bush
*Microsoft (the place)
*Nintendo (the place)
*Nintendo Gamecube
*Microsoft Xbox
*Sony Playstation 2
*The Pentagon *US Army
*La-La Land *Mushroom Kingdom *Dreams
....among MANY others.
Supposedly this term also refers to sexual intercourse, as well as the word "verb" does too.
"Go noun yourself."
-me, if my knowledge of what "noun" now means serves me right
By Randi
a word used right after someone says "word". You say it to make them look dumb!
Nouning is a verb, however in this sentence it is being portrayed as a noun.
By Estelle
The process of turning a word into a noun. Technically, the process is different than gerunds because the results are slang, not real words. It's also possible to noun things that are already nouns.
A girl who likes to take advantage of guys,goes for a guy who has some nice things like a nice sports car, in which the guy stole that girl from you, when he is about to hit rock bottom on his life, then she comes back at you like a boomerang.