Define Noun Meaning

A term referring to a person, a place, or a thing; essentially something that exists.

Such nouns include:
*me (Dave)
*George W Bush
*Microsoft (the place)
*Nintendo (the place)
*Nintendo Gamecube
*Microsoft Xbox
*Sony Playstation 2
*The Pentagon
*US Army
*La-La Land
*Mushroom Kingdom
....among MANY others.

Supposedly this term also refers to sexual intercourse, as well as the word "verb" does too.

"Go noun yourself."
-me, if my knowledge of what "noun" now means serves me right
By Randi
a word used right after someone says "word". You say it to make them look dumb!

A: That movie was great huh?
B: word!
C: noun!
By Deni

By Elisabetta
verb: all-purpose word similar to usage of "smurf" in the tv show of the same name.

By Ashley
Word to designate the female reproductive system. Used only in the province of Quebec in Canada, by french-canadians. It's another way to say ''vagina'' but more childish.

Ouf! Tu pue de la noune!

Coudon la grosse, t'as donc ben la noune slack!

Doctor : Salut jeune fille dis moi ton probleme.

Fille : Je sais pas pourquoi, mais j'ai la noune qui me démange!
By Mandy
similar to ``plote`` that means a vagina or a slut!

Elle a une criss de grosse Noune épaisse!

M'à tu vu la noune!
By Davita
The act of changing words that are not typically nouns into nouns.

Nouning is a verb, however in this sentence it is being portrayed as a noun.
By Estelle
The process of turning a word into a noun. Technically, the process is different than gerunds because the results are slang, not real words. It's also possible to noun things that are already nouns.

See also verbing

"how about some smokeage, buuhdy?"
-nouning a verb
-nouning an adjective

"Hey, pass me some beerage, dude"
-nouning a noun
By Theressa
The replacement for the term "word."

"You hittin up that party tonight?"
By Vale
A girl who likes to take advantage of guys,goes for a guy who has some nice things like a nice sports car, in which the guy stole that girl from you, when he is about to hit rock bottom on his life, then she comes back at you like a boomerang.


Wow, that girl was a boomerang girl because she came back to that guy after she left him for that hot Mustang guy.
By Alene