Define Oriented Meaning

Oriented: the American poor-relative of the English 'orientated'; to rotate an object through any plane to align in any given angle; to have bias of political, religious or sexual tendencies; any leanings or sympathies to any such beliefs. Derived from such activity as 'orienteering', using map and compass, from a given point to any other, using 'way-finding' to arrive at that given point

'He was oriented (US) orientated (Eng) towards the party for civil liberties', or 'The airplane (US) aeroplane (Eng) was oriented (US) orientated (Eng) toward south (US) towards the south (Eng)'
By Janis
1) verb. To have sexual relations with one of asian descent.

2) adj. Used to indicate heavy asian influence or representation.

1) I spent all last night getting oriented!

2) Man, that bar was really oriented.
By Kynthia
As with previous entry:

oriented - (Wiktionary‎
'Adjective: oriented (comparative more oriented, superlative most oriented). having a specific orientation'

Oriented (US): having a specific orientation (Eng)
By Melisent
The illiterate way to say "oriented." While technically a word, you sound like a moron when you say it.

Annoying used car huckster in Phoenix, heard recently on the radio: "We're customer orientated..."
By Janifer
one who charts the physical whereabouts of asians or acts as a divinator of things asian.

i'm looking for a thai restaurant. is there an orienteer in the house?
By Livvy
Orienteering is a running sport involving navigation with a map and compass.

I'm going orienteering today.
By Kellyann
The non-existent plot of land your racist grandfather thinks Asian-American (“Oriental”) people should have to live and work on.

I tell you what Chuck, why we gotta trade with them Chinese when we got perfectly good orientations right here?!”
By Sibby
Study of Asian or Eastern history, culture, and people, from a Western perspective.

Orientalism is historically an expression of the curiosity of an imperialistic mindset, though this is becoming less so.
By Martica
The word is supposed to be "orient." I'm not sure why people think orientate is the word, but it sounds like something dumb people make up to sound intelligent. They need to orient themselves with the English language.

I went to orientation to become orientated.
I'm not redneck-orientated. I know how to speak English.
Everytime I hear the word "Orientated" I want to cringe. It's as bad as hearing the word "ain't" or "warsh."
By Kati
Politically incorrect term used in place of "Asian." Correct usage should be an adjective for things like inanimate objects, not humans.

Correct usage: There's an Oriental rug store on Derbe Drive.
Are you going to the Oriental market?

Incorrect usage: Is that dude oriental?
Orientals are known to be bad drivers.
By Laverna