Define Paper Meaning


"I take that papuh."
-CJ stealing some dough
By Celestyna

When you got that much paper you gotta hold it down." - Prodigy "Stuck On You"
By Erda
used to defeat rock in a game

aha! my paper beat your rock!
By Wandis
those little skinny things people used to write on before computers came along.

"I found some paper in my basement!"
"Shit really? I haven't seen one of those things in so long!"
By Marylin

im in a band of gypsies...were on the run...everytime that paper hits my tongue
By Chrysler
money derived from hustling, stealing,
prostitution or selling drugs

That ho knows its all about the paper.
By Meagan
1. Money
2. Rizler - What you role joints with
3. What you buy some drugs, usually heroin, in
4. Prison term for parol

Person 1: You got tha chronic?
Person 2: Yeah man you got tha paper?
Person 1: Yeah lets role this bitch
By Leilah
1. Money
2. Prison slang for probation/parole.

I gotta hustle to get that paper.
After I do my time, I'm on paper for two years.
By Cacilia
1. Cash

2. A small amount of drugs, usually $10 worth of heroin, sold in a fold of paper. See Paper Boy.

1. I've gotta get a job so I can get some paper flowin.

2. Me and my friend blew a paper of junk.
By Hanni
(n) A stock share, usually referring to a low-valued issue, or one with many shares outstanding.

There is a lot of worthless Nortel paper out there.
By Stormi