Define People Of Color Meaning

People Of Color
A term sometimes used to describe non-white people, usually as an alternative to saying minorities. It's literally the same thing as saying "colored people", but somehow it's okay because the syntax is changed.

Joel: Hey man, what's a good synonym for "minorities"?
Marcus: How about "people of color"?
Joel: That sounds a lot like "colored people", I dunno if that's okay...
Marcus: Nah fam, I just switched the order, so it's totally fine. Besides, I'm black, and you know black people can't be racist.
By Timmy
People Of Color
Pinko, PC or Bolshevik term for all non-white minorities, lumped together and viewed as cannon fodder for some revolution or voting cattle for the Democrat party. See diversity.

The speaker said, "We need to make certain that people of color are well-represented on the Board of Directors."
By Cordie
People Of Color
Odd term as 60 years ago it was racist and used to divide whites from all other skin colors but is used today by especially liberals to once again divide whites from all other skin colors.

For some reason people of color is acceptable today despite Jim Crow
By Gretal
People Of Color
People of African descent usually always having brown to black skin tone unless albino

Growing up in the rural south “people of color” are not brought home to the dinner table.
By Chloette
People Of Color
People who aren't black

People of color are so awesome. Even though they aren't black .
By Leia
People Of Color

there's too many people of color
By Jeanie