Define Pertain Meaning

What most "definitions" here do not do to thier subject.

For my friend elitist, I will mention the word "buggery". He likes it when I do that. Bugger. buttsecks. 120 days of Sodom.
By Rubetta

"There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
By Mozelle
An ordinary word that suddenly becomes more comical when spoken by a one Faraz Fooker.

Faraz: "What you are pertaining to is highly indicative of yourself, Noel"
By Joby
I Am In Pursue Of Knowledge That Pertains To The Individual That Goes By Joseph

Guy 1: i am in pursue of knowledge that pertains to the individual that goes by Joseph
Guy 2: Joseph Mother
By Alfie