A common household object that can be "perverted" for a sexual use, commonly for spanking. Examples include: hairbrush, spatula, bathbrush, carpet beater(rare, but painful!), belts, paddles (ping pong paddles, sorority/frat paddles), spoons, towels (
wet towels), cutting boards,
riding crop, ruler, etc.
Non-spanking pervertibles: baby oil,cooking oil, whipped cream, chocolate, lotion, hot wax, ice cubes, bandannas/handkerchiefs(
blindfolds or gags), fruits/vegetables, gloves, nails, pins, needles, fire, feathers, etc.
His girlfriend was being
saucy while they were fixing dinner, so he grabbed a
spatula to use as a pervertible.
Saucy girlfriend soon had sore behind, flushed face, and a wet pussy. Dessert took place in the bedroom. ; )