Define Phillip Meaning

He is the reason I wake up in the morning and the air beneath my wings. Yeah you wish you were that guy.

By Sondra
a 10 on a scale of 1-10, he super sexy and all the hoes want to give them a little sugar

oh shit nigga its phillip (pours sugar)
By Gayle
a beautiful person that i hope to spend the rest of my life with. an amazing boyfriend, singer, person and son.

By Daphna
The rumored secrete name Aquaman uses when on land.

Didn't that Phillip guy look a lot like aquaman?

Do you know aquaman?, yea you mean Phillip
By Jacinta

A: hey, do you know phillip?

B: no, phillip who?

A: phillip on these nuts!
*fondles imaginary genitalia*
By Cheri
a badass mother fuckin gymnast who loves dip and boning hotties

damn phillip just got a gold medal!
By Dareen
To fill-up. See Tea bag.

Yo phillip on my nuts.
By Aurore
a wet shart that pops out when you want it least.

"aww man that kid just Phillip'd"
"I know, and at lunch"
"what a bitch"
By Godiva
When a couple REALLY don't go together and it's just weird.

*Granny kisses a young boy*

"Ugh, gross, that's so phillip."
By Dusty
Someone who thinks he is better or smarter than others. Has a false sense of confidence and is constantly trying to make up for his shortcomings. Example, this person will add his last name to urban dictionary and make up some BS about how wonderful they are. They will also add other people's last names of people they don't like and add negative comments.

Don't be like TJ Phillip. That guy is so full of himself. He had a Google+ page with profile pic of his new car and said he was 'awesome'. He thinks he knows IT but doesn't have a single certification to his name. He is a real wanna-be that guy. So sad.
By Shanda