Define Porcine Meaning


1. of or pertaining to swine.
2. resembling swine; hoggish; piggish.

That is a fine porcine figure you have there, Ms. O'Donnell.
By Patrice
Pleasing Porcine

Some who disliked Wonda Wonderpig called her pleasing porcine!
By Dore
Porcine Cosmetologist
A porcine cosmetologist is a periphrastic term for someone who puts lipstick on a pig; in other words, a spin doctor. This is someone who attempts to make something more favorable or attractive than it really is.

The typical actor or politician in trouble is in need of a porcine cosmetologist.
By Kinna
Porcine Unit
A group of police officers without the aid of police dogs

Dude 1: "Did they send in the K-9 unit?"

Dude 2: "Nope, just the porcine unit."
By Rycca
Porcine Whore
A porcine whore is like a pig whore. Porcine means- Of or resembling swine or a pig. It's like calling someone a whore or a pig yet when used together it is more offensive.

Johnny went out bar hopping last night and woke up next to some porcine whore! He likes them big but damn, that chick was huge.
By Terri
Porcine Sixty Nine
When two squad cars park side by side so as to give each driver clear access to one another for purposes of social intercourse.

By Reeva
Porcine Alarm Clock
The smell of bacon frying in the morning that permeates throughout the home thus awakening anyone sleeping in. Whether they wake because they love bacon or are afraid they will miss breakfast.

"Dude, I couldn't sleep any longer, your porcine alarm clock told me I needed to grab some bacon before it was all gone"


"Are you setting the porcine alarm for the morning?" "Hell yes, I got 2 lbs of smoked thick cut bacon ready in the fridge"
By Lana