Define Portmanteau Meaning

The combination of two or more words to create a new word. Also known as a frankenword or blend.

(sources: and the wikipedia)

smog is the combination of smoke and fog

Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky is loaded with portmanteau words.
By Drucill
a cliche and uncreative technique to form new words - almost anyone who can speak a language can fabricate words by butchering two perfectly good words and using cheap glue to form one ugly word

Awful portmanteau words include "brangelina", "craptacular", "adorkable" and "soquid".
By Christal
"'A large leather suitcase.' from French, port- (carry) and manteau (cloak)." Source:, retrieved 11/19/05.

"...sent her things on ahead via two steamer trunks, a hatbox, and an enormous portmanteau, covered in crocodile"
By Elnore
1. an archaic word used by prissy netymologists on Wikipedia and Word Spy that means a blend word. A word formed by combining parts of two words

2. a two-compartment suitcase that has not been manufactured since the 1800s.

1. Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words "wienie" and "encyclopedia".

2. I wonder if the luggage museum has a portmanteau?
By Caterina
When two words are combined together making a new word!

Clone: HOLA!
Clone: Adios!
Dan: Who was that?
Tom: That was Spanish Dan, I called him Span.
Dan: why?
Tom: It's a portmanteau of Spanish and Dan.
By Colette
Freudian Portmanteau
When a Freudian Slip occurs whitin a single word and it forms a new word out of two or more words that previously existed separately.

Freudian Portmanteau: "These Notifuckations won't go away!"
By Leesa
Portmanteau Word
a word arbitrarily formed of two distinct words

chortle, from chuckle and snort; cyclotron, from cycle and electron
By Tallie
Internal Portmanteau
Causing a word to become shorter by joining the ends at a common letter. Can be done more than once in long words, or phrases.

IP = Internal Portmanteau

Examples of Internal Portmanteau:

Television --> Tevion (2 IP's) (pronounced "teh-vyun")

Mathematician --> Matician (1 IP) (pronounced "ma-tish-un")

Fabulous! --> Fabus! (1 IP) (pronounced "fab-ous")
By Lynnea
Portmanteau Purloin
when the government makes you think through esp that someone knows your whereabouts and is talking about you which distracts you from your daily tasks.

The portmanteau purloin put the majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck because they couldn't pay attention.
By Wilona