A temporary gathering of people designed to speak out against a cause or political event. Rarely works because the politicians who are being protested against usually send the riot police to "calm down" the protesters.
Nowadays, protests are held for the stupidest of reasons, such as censoring a cartoon that is beng shown on some television show, or preventing a grocery store from being built on an old parking lot, or animal rights.
1. To whine
2. To Bitch
3. Also see "protesting" -A debate strategy commonly used by Ridgeview and Bakersfield High schools
4. The only lesson jv members at the aforementioned schools learn about
5. Protesting Manuals are equivalent to evidence at these schools.
"OMG! Their case is so good! How are we going to beat it?"-Student #1
"Don't worry, Mr. Herrer gave us a protesting manual before the round. We don't need to think!"- Student #2
Sam, we're promoting you from tester to protester.
By Dacy
When a society reaches a certain point in economic wealth and status where its citizens have nothing better to do then disapprove or object something not of there own business.
Susie across the road apparently has her lawn mowed at 1.5 inches instead of 1.7 inches. CARL GATHER THE NEIGHBOURS AND MAKE SIGHNS THAT DONT MAKE ANY SENSE, WE MUST PROTEST! (This is not meant to offend anyone just my humble opinion).
By Carma
A person who seriously engages in the hobby of protesting. They run around screaming trying to change the world by getting "them" to do the right thing instead of finishing college, getting a job, or running for office.
Branch of Christianity. Protestants believe that Jesus is the head of the Church. They reject Papal authority and the percieved excesses of the Catholic church.
Protestants are also remarkably unpopular amongst a great deal of people due to the actions of a small number of them. But in the most part they are simply Christians who wish to worship without a central authority, without a buffer between man and God and without the ritualism of other branches of the faith.
Jack became a Protestant after attending a Church sermon.
There are tensions in Ireland between Catholic and Protestant groups.
Graham dislikes Protestants because he is an Athesist.
By Ellen
A part of Christianity that separated from the Catholic church in the 1600's.It was founded by Martin Luther, but then different sects broke off. Henry VIII did not start the Episcopalian Church,he started the Anglican church of which the Episcopalian church is a part. As we all hopefully realize, people are not perfect, so you can't hate a religion because someone was mean to you and they happened to be protestant of Christian. Protestants try not to identify themselves a sect, and are trying to follow Christ. They thing that it is more important that you are a Christian and know Jesus than what denomination you happen to be part of. We do not hate Catholics, Jews, or Gays. We try to love all people, whether or not we agree with them. Protestants usually do not agree with the gay lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that we hate them. Basically, try not to judge someone or something, such as protestantism, before you know about it.