When you are talking to
somone and they state the obvious tell them to
prove it. I will confuse them therfore leading them to ask questions.
Prove it can be used to confuse, irriatate, or
just for fun when board.
(got this from my brother)
scottpenn13: prove it
o o pdloop00: prove what!?!?
scottpenn13: "it"
L o o pdloop00: you cant prove IT
scottpenn13: do you know what you are trying to
L o o pdloop00: no
scottpenn13: then how do you know you cant prove it
L o o pdloop00: it is a pronoun as in
nonexistant unless it is put into actual being, therefore, IT cannot be proved unless the term IT is proved itself.
L o o pdloop00: HA
L o o pdloop00: BEAT THAT
scottpenn13: you suck