Define Right Meaning


1) Damn nigga, you see that bitch?
2) Yeah homie, that ass is right
1) I bet I can hit
2) Nigga please
By Caprice

That guy is a right tosser.
By Tina
A sarcastic version of agreeing with someone about an argument.

"I ran out the door and there were 200 cows on my front lawn" -Derek

"right." -Sean
By Della
A word you use when you're sort of indifferent to what a person is telling you. Often used as a bland filler in conversations. Frequently used in the phrases "I know right?" and "Right on!". Occasisonally said in a sarcastic manner.

1.)Shelley: So then Tony was all "I've always loved you forever" and isn't he the cutest? And I know we'll always be together, and isn't he the greatest? And you think he's hot don't you and oh yeah you still don't have a boyfriend but don't you think tony's the cutest?

Me: Right. (secretly rolling my eyes)

2.)Ryan: Jeez, that Shelley chik just goes on and on about herself and her pretentious boyfriend Tony.

Me: I know right?

3.)Shelley: Hey guess what? Tony's related to the Olson twins! Isn't that amazing?

Me: Oh, right on! (secretly thinking "NOT")
By Camellia
Shortened form of "I know, right." Used to indicate agreement, often on such a level as to question the need for the statement being agreed to

"That guy tried to Lars me in court today!"
By Sandie
A colloquial description of the perfect relationship. Epitomised by the Scottish/Australian/New Zealing Writer "Brown Strawbridge" in his post-modern erotic novel "Leesa and Rob"

"We are so right for each other"
"as right as Leesa and Rob?"
"no, don't be stupid, nobody could be that right. That's a myth"
By Katy
well, it is a very complicated concept really. It is hard to explain in words so ill be leaving you wit this -----> that might be a clue. if not, i will understand. put up both of ur hands so the thumb and the pointer finger makes an "L" on each finger. Which ever "L" is facing the right way is left. Right is the other one. if u dont know ur alphabet than u wouldnt be able to read this anyway. if someone is reading this for u, then fuck that person. sphinkter boy

Ching: hey man, turn right at this next intersection. This is extremely important.
Wang: O.K. left it is.
By Terry
In England: During information-gathering conversations, "right" is an unconsciously uttered filler word that precedes the response to a question. The duration of the utterance is directly related to the assuredness of the response that follows. Short utterances indicate that respondents are confident of their answers. Drawn-out utterances denote that respondents have less confidence in their answers. When the pronunciation is drawn-out excessively, respondents are signaling that they do not know the correct answer, yet feel obliged to respond anyway.

"How many eggs should I use in this quiche?"

"Right. Three eggs ought to be enough."

"What is the most direct route to Scarborough Fair?"

"Ri-i-i-ght. I believe you follow this road to a roundabout, and go west."

"Is the library open on Sunday?"

"Ri-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight. I do remember a time when the library was open seven days a week."
By Goldina

Jon: "Wow! That chick had a sweet ass!"

Frank: "Right!"
By Katti
Guaranteed to all Americans by the constitution, but slowly being taken away through social aid programs, censorship, and bannings.

Bill: I don't smoke, but i do believe that it is the right of an adult citizen of this country to smoke if they so choose, and that it is the right of any privately owned company to choose if they will allow a person to do so.
Ted: Yeah, and why should a privately owned company not be allowed to hire or fire anyone for any reason they want.
Bill: And what about trying to censor the internet, or the censorship of radio, tv, and print. Why is it not the choice of the company what they allow on their networks?
Ted: Indeed, and let's not get started on the patriot act.
By Rachael