Define Says Meaning

The term "says", originating in South-Western Sydney as an accidental synonym to "days", is considered to be an informal replacement to "days" by the Estonian army whilst at war.

Person 1: "I remember the says when I was 14. Wow."
Person 2: "Yeah, they were the good old says."
By Kyle
Say Say Say
(idiom) When someone is making far too many unfounded statements far too quickly for the accused party to deny them, they are "say say saying", as per the duet by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson (1988) in which it shows that the speech is so pointless that no-one, least of all the data subject really cares anymore.

Say, say, say what you want (but don't play games with my affection)
By Malinda
Say That Then
1.Agreeing with something that somebody says.
2.A response to someone getting an attitude with you after you asked them a question.
3.What you should say when you're confused about something, after your confusion has been cleared up.

1. Man I'm hella hunry.
Say that then, let's go to Jack in the Box.

2. Hey, when you going to work?
At 2:00, I already told you that.
Oh, well damn, say that then!

3. Aye, we're going to the club.
Which one?
The one by your house.
Oh, Club Eleven?
Naw, the other club.
Club Duece Eight?
Aw, well say that then!
By Merrie
1- An Arabic name, it also means mister in the Arabic language and finally it's used as a title to descendents of prophet Mohamed among Shiaat.

By Alene
Say That
A phrase used when you agree with something someone says. Usually spelled say tht, say dat && say dhat.
It's basically just a shortened way of saying 'you can -say that- again'. Not to be confused with say that then.

Tori: I'm so tired of skanky ass hos, close ur damn legs and get some class. please

Aunjel: Mhmmm. Say dhat. :)

Rachelle: Truth. Say that girl.
By Tiff
word meaning "hey!" or "you there!" To get someone's attention, often in anger or when one is on crack.

Say playa! why do yo lie to me man! I ain't seen no money! I'm gonna take all your bitches and drop'em off in you driveway! how you like that shit nigga!?!
By Judy
Say No To This

Alexander Hamilton prayed "Lord show me how to say no to this," but he ended up doing it anyways.
By Janet
An extremely good looking male who bears (what some men consider a gift) the curse of entrancing sexiness. He, without any effort, will make ANY woman fall in love with him. Whether the woman be a straight, lesbian, transgender, a crossdresser, or a man who desperatly longs for womanly parts, she (or he) will fall in love with the suave composure of a Sai. Beware when around this individual. You will lose your girlfriend/wife, sister, mother, aunt and even your grandmother. Sex is a Sai's greatest weapon even though he unknowingly wields it.

Damn he is a fucking Sai.

He just Sai'd my wife.
By Barbee
A character that character that can be found in “Naruto Shippduen”. Sai is a character that Naruto originally thought had feelings for him and reads books about human feelings. He also tends to say what he thinks.

Sakura: how about we all calm down and be friends

Sai: sorry I don’t take advice from ugly

By Martina
My amazing boyfriend, who I am constantly grateful for. I will never ever understand how I was lucky enough to find him. He lifts my whole mood with his contagious adorable laugh, and that charming smile. I never stop smiling or laughing when he is around. How attractive he is fucks me up, because how in the world can he look so effortlessly good? I drool. You'll drool. But don't bc I'll cut you. He's the best person on this whole crappy planet and he's mine. I love you

Jessica loves Sayed, forever and always.

- Love your rainbow
By Orelia