Define School Meaning

a place you go to spend 70% of your day sitting in an uncomfortable, plastic chair

"what's wrong"
"I can't move my butt"
"Oh, must be school"
By Kalina
The mandatory hellhole where you're forced to go for 14 years. Often full of teachers that bore you out of your mind and bombard you with this useless crap you will never need (such as the dreaded things called homework or coursework), bratty wannabe gangstas who think they rule the world, dog-shit cafeteria food that moves, and a fuckton of other things that make it seem like somebody decided to put education, hell, and prison all in a blender and then the result is these compulsory things called "schools".

If you think that you couldn't learn anything without the help of compulsory school, maybe you never thought of alternatives. And free education? I spend 100-200 on school crap each year, so don't bombard me with that chestnut. And the next person to mention flipping burgers can hop on the school bus and go to hell.

Student 1: I hate school!!
Student 2: Agreed
Teacher: *hears conversation*
Teacher: You both have detention for 2 weeks!
Students: WTF!
By Danika
Where we waste 18 years of life at.

nuff said

'Am I actually going to use fucking square roots when I'm 23 and have a job?'

Thanks School!
By Kala
An institution originally noncompulsory, now a forced hellhole where otherwise reasonably intelligent people are forced to go for 14 years.

It instills in them a great hatred of what they otherwise would not despise; for example, many children who hate history don't actually hate the Civil War. They just hate that they're being forced to memorize names and dates. If they were left to their own devices, they would probably end up knowing the basics about the Civil War without having to spend pointless hours proving to some mindless beaurocrat that they know what they're talking about.

An institution that takes too long to not do enough. An institution that makes people believe that it is the only way anyone will ever learn anything or meet anyone. Apparently the real world and libraries and the Internet are not valid places of learning or places to socialize. Nope, you have to go with all the other inmates in an environment where you get no respect at all from dipshits with a special piece of paper that says they know how to humiliate you.

Pavlov's dogs, but teenagers.

A place where they're so freaking retarded they can't just make school noncompulsory. If it were noncompulsory, after a while everyone would get bored with playing video games and wander in to school to go to the chemistry lab where a chemist would show them how to do what they wanted to do.

A place where people assume you're incapable of just picking up Dickens on your own, so they have to force you to read Oliver Twist NOW so you'll hate classic literature all your life.

A place where well-meaning people destroy creativity.

School is not learning. People hate school, not a^2+b^2=c^2. They hate having to wake up early after doing homework late, having to go to a place where they have no free will and come home to where it's just reinforced by their parents.

School creates a huge inferiority complex and denies us our status as humans so corporations come in and promise us the chance to feel something intense if we just buy their snake oil. A chance to be respected if we buy their shoes, wear their wristbands, bring our mp3 players around in our $300 backpacks specially designed for the $800 bike we ride around so we can complain when we go through a puddle and splash our overpriced jeans made by abused children in India.

School is hell.

Student: Mr. Smith, when was the last time you needed to know the population density of Finland?


Student:... Fuck this, I'm going to go carve wood.


10 years later: ...He attributes his massive success to skipping school so he could practice woodcarving, which when coupled with his love of music led him to carve flutes. Now 26, Mr. Student is doing what he loves and living within his means. What a shame the rest of us are brainwashed fucks. This is Anchorman, XYA News.


I am always ready to learn, I am never ready to go to school.


Eric, damn it, you failed your chemistry test! You'll die of lung cancer now!

... But Dad, I want to be a poet...

SHUT UP, ERIC! You're going to fail at life and never get married or have kids or do anything because YOU FAILED HIGH SCHOOL CHEMISTRY!

Dad, do you remember any of your high school chemistry?

Yeah, I remember all of it and it's what's helped me get this bullshit cubicle job. Now go get on your bike and go to school.
By Harrie
a place where you are lulled into a false sense of security, then your life gets so screwed up, you feel you cant take it any more, you get depressed and experience lots of downs, and some ups.

my house had a school like atmosphere.
school makes me depressed
By Ricky
place were you spend first 18 years of life taking it up the ass

Mom can i stay home from school today? my ass is still sore from english class yesterday
By Raphaela
A place where you must deal with work, teachers, events and shithead students all at the same time. The amount of work you get depends on the teacher you have. This is the place where students are treated like 3 year olds, you can't point out your teacher's flaws, talk back, or anything like that, even if the teacher gets completely owned. They come up with some lame excuse/sentence to cover up their wrong, it's sad. And us students have to sit here and put up with the teacher's fucking shit. Half the classes in school are boring as hell. Half the stuff you learn in school won't count for fuck when you're older.

It's like being put in a hellhole for 6 in a half hours, once you get outside, you can breathe.

Overall, school just plain sucks.

At school...

Teacher: Ok kids, I give you permission to talk once you have finished your assignment.

Student: *Finishes work and starts to yak*

Teacher: HEY, YOU! I told you not to talk until you've finished your work! What are you stupid, son?

Student: But I'm finished my work sir...

Teacher: Well then stop talking!

By Kizzie
Two words: Hell hole.

I mean, come on! When in the hell will people just learn that no matter what they say kids don't give a shit?

School is a place to go if you want to find pot-heads, sluts, incredibly boring lectures that noone listens to anyway, the retarded, slow-witted beast known as the "principle", and any other form of shit that makes one's chlildhood less enjoyable.

Hell, my dad was thrown against a wall by a teacher, and got a concussion.

What the f*** is wrong with people that send their kids to scholl?
By Luz
A place you spend your entire life in as a child, and a teenager, hearing the same useless facts over and over again. To make matters worse, after 8th grade, you are sent to a place where the stress of school is amplified. This place is known as high school

School is stress, High school is amplified stress..
Let's not even TALK about college..
By Kaitlin
A place where teachers look down on you and treat you like your stupid, even though you are the main reason that they get paid.
A place you are forced to go, even if you know you will never need more than half the stuff they teach you there.
A place where kids are bullied every day, and not just by the other students, but the teachers also.
A place that basically has no meaning exept to make kids depressed.
A place where you go to for seven hours, but you are only learning something knew for about 2hrs.

The only thing school teaches kids is that life is messed up!
By Zoe