Define Self Hate Meaning

Self Hate
its when you look in the mirror and cant stand what you see. when you criticize everything you do, doubt every decision. its a thousand voices bullying you all the time and you cant make them go away because they are inside and honestly you agree with them anyway. when all you can see is mistakes and faults and you start wondering why anyone could like you or love you. its when you want to be everything your not.

when other people see beauty she just sees her faults, her mistakes. wow she thinks " so this is what self hate feels like"
By Franciska
A disease often coming as a direct result of years and years of abuse from family and friends. Usually attached to Self-Destruction. A cronic self-hating person will often mope around and reject all offers of help. Sometimes even to the point where they would be hating others as well. This is a serious disease and should be treated with patience and understanding. Its gonna be a long ride to help someone with this disease but if you succeed, the benifit of friendship and loyalty will be far greater than the loss of another soul to the manipulation of others.

Personal self-hatred and self-loathing can result from an inferiority complex. Some sociology theorists such as Jerry Mander see television programming as being deliberately designed to induce self-hatred, negative body image, and depression, with the advertising then being used to suggest the cure.1 See also the arguments related to the Kill your television phenomenon.

A person who doesn't seem to care about themself, is self-hating. Dont be self-hating yo!
By Kendre
Self Hate
According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie screen onto which we project unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, “I'm not terrible; you are.”

This phenomenon is known as projection, a term coined by Freud to describe our tendency to reject what we don’t like about ourselves. Psychologist Brad Reedy further describes projection as our need to be good, which causes us to project "badness" outward and attack it.

Self hate
By Maryann
Self-hating White
Political slang for a Caucasian/ Euro-American person who prefers other cultures/ethnicities to his/ her own. Multiculturalists, those who do not accept that Euro-American culture is exceptional due to its promotion of individual liberty and responsibility, those who praise Islamic, Eastern, or other cultures as equal to or better than Euro-American: all such people are self-hating Whites.

Since he agreed that all legal systems including Islamic sharia were based on justice and tolerance, and at the same time questioned the superiority of the US Constitution, he was nothing more than a self-hating White.
By Liane
Self-hating Curry
An Indian person who is dissatisfied with their ancestry.

c.f. Self-hating Jew.

Indian Person: Fuck off, I don't speak Curry!
Other: Oh, you're one of those self-hating currys
By Gladys
Self-Hating Persian
A Persian who hates the fact that almost every Iranian-American is either a total guido or a total fob. Typically rebels by trying to be as white-washed as possible.

Guy 1: Check out that Persian kid eating mac n cheese.

Guy 2: Must be a self-hating Persian.
By Cherin
Self-hating Jew
a derogatory term used against people who speak-out against the actions or policies of the government of Israel, Zionists or other Jewish controlled organizations.

This Jewish person doesn't support the actions of Israel, they must be a self-hating Jew.
By Doria
Self-hating Jew
This is somewhat of a misnomer, since a "self-hating Jew" is usually not someone who really hates themselves. Rather, they identify themselves as more than, or something other, than just a Jew. They view themselves as a regular human being first, and feel uncomfortable with Jewish ethnocentrism and the "Chosen people" stigma. Even though they were born to Jewish parents, they are in direct opposition to religious Jewish dogma which they see as outdated and limiting. They may even believe that by setting themselves apart throughout history, the Jews may have unwittingly brought antisemitism unto themselves.

Self-hating Jews long to be Gentiles, because they do not like the designation and tradition forced on them by their ancestors and/or religion, which they have shed. They find liberation from their "self-hate" by identifying themselves not exclusively as Jews who are "strange" and "different", but as Gentiles; as any human being; no matter the race.

Jew #1: "The Nazis were overzealous in their logic which brought around their own demise. But some Jews also display the same racial, "pure-blood" thinking, which may have contributed to THEIR demise. It exposes a duality, a flaw in human nature: ethnocentrism is a flawed concept that can hurt anyone, no matter their race. This is 2011, its about time we advance beyond racial thinking"

Jew #2: "How dare you say that Jews brought the Holocaust onto themselves? Have you no pride?"

Jew #1: "Dude I didn't even say that. Besides, I do have pride, it is individualistic pride. I think for myself and I don't understand the concept of collectivist Jewish pri-"

Jew #2: "Stfu man. You're such a disgrace, you're nothing but a self-hating Jew"
By Rosella
Self-hating Bro
bros who dress like hipsters, carry skateboards around but never ride them, and hate on other bros but run around screaming "YOLO"

self-hating bro 1: ay brah, check out my dope plaid-lumberjack shirt, brah.

self-hating bro 2: AWESOME. so glad we're not like those frat idiots...WE'RE SO UNIQUE YOLO.

self-hating bro 1: chyah mayne, YOLO
By Maire
Self Hating Jew
A Jew who hates themselves for being Jewish.

“That guy is a self hating jew because he doesn’t support Israel.”
By Essa