Define Shakes Head Meaning

Shakes Head
"Shakes Head" is a word commonly used by teenagers that they utter to their parents who conduct themselves in a manner that is somewhat embarrasing to the teenanger. This occurs when someone brings a friend home and the father or mother say, act or make a motion that will embarasss their teenaged son or daughter. Immediately the teenager places the palm on their hand onto their forehead at the same time shaking their head and say the words "Shakes Head", immediately after the act or gesture of embarassment is displayed.

Dad quit shitting yourself in front of my friends"...."Shakes Head
By Gizela
Shaking Head
When a guy shakes his head while eating a girl out. For some reason guys think that girls like this. It's really kind of annoying. And if he hasn't shaved like five minutes before it kind of hurts.

Matt was Shaking Head while eating me out last night. Now that whole area is raw.
By Mariska
Shaking My Head
Shaking my head: something you do when a person or thing is so utterly rediculous that you just nod in disbelief

Person: OMG look at that lollipop it's huge

Me:that's a garden hose

Me: "shaking my head"
By Morganne
Shake My Head
When you are so dumbfounded in something that occurred.

John: I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction.
Bill: smh(shake my head)
By Elaina
Shake Of The Head
A slight shake of the head, meaning you screwed up so bad, that the other side can only shake their head. Or, other side is fed up with your shit.

Example 1:
Bob: DUDE! I ate a porcupine -- when it was still ALIVE!
Freddy: *Shake of the head*

Example 2:
Bob: Dude, I climbed Mt. Everest, pulled of my helmet, para-glided down, and landed on my head! And the only evidence I have is this small scratch on my elbow!
Freddy: *Shake of the head*
By Bianca
Shakes My Head
What you say when something ridiculous happens; an act or expression of disapproval.

Long-Hand for "SMH"

This phrase was made popular by the website - A website Similar to FML ( Where users share stories about their entertaining personal experiences

My friend says so much ridiculous stuff, that instead of typing out "shakes my head" I'll just type SMH!

My girlfriend got a tattoo of my face on her arm after we were dating for only a week.. Needless to say I broke up with her. SMH
By Shirl
Shake My Head
When your head goes from the left side to the right and vice versa consecutively because of shame

Do you seriously not know what shaking your head is shake my head is a simple term guys
By Cahra
Just Shaking My Head

Just shaking my head
By Jolee
Shaking My Head Sadly

The way the early Beatles Paul and Ringo look on the cover of Seargent Peppers - shaking my head sadly - smhs
By Sybil
Shaking Your Head

You should be shaking your head right now because it's impossible to not know how to shake your head...bruh
By Tamra