Define Similar Meaning


titties would be weird if one was not similar to the other
By Leena

That is a very similar jacket
By Jeanna
Relating to a past contextual non-identical resemblance of one point of conversation to another.

Xavier: "I can't believe some of the top American homed companies are still developing their products overseas."

Johnny: "Just think, there are a few thousand American citizens we could use to fulfill those positions. Of course not cheaply; nonetheless, giving employment opportunities and stimulating the economy somewhat."

... (later on in the conversation) ...

Xavier: "From the public's eye, you perceptually look bad when you outsource. Plus as you SIMILARIZED, it screws innocent Americans out of jobs!"
By Lorianne
When someone's face looks so much like his asshole that his intestines don't know which way to pump the shit.

Dude, you got a bad case of similarity!
By Roshelle
Similar Spellings
1: Two words or more that sound the same but have completely different meanings.

2: A remark meaning that one person has the same thoughts/feelings as the other.

1: Base-an easily aquired drug if you go to the right places and don't get caught. Druggie:That is some good base, man...
Bass-lower frequency of sound. DJ: Turn that bass up and get dem beats pumpin'...

2:#1-Hey man, i'm broke till friday, could yeh lend us a tenner?
#2-Similar spellings dude, i'm brassic too.
By Alecia
Someone who is constantly told they look like a famous person, but in reality only moderately resemble them.

"Oh my goodness, you and Woody Harrelson are total "look-similars!"

"Thank you"
By Beitris
Similar Nomenclature
The art of re-phrasing text or re-naming common objects by changing the words and components of words to synonyms or antonyms.

according to the rules of similar nomenclature Microsoft become Macrohard, ETC
By Emili
Exactly Similar
When two things are somewhere between exactly the same and somewhat similar.

Damn I think we paid them twice by mistake.. look these two amounts are exactly similar!

Those twins look exactly similar
By Simonne
Similar To A Ant
1. The act of moving, similar to a ant.

2.The mode of conveyance in which one, attemting to aquire an amount of steelo comprable to that of Rapper-Laureate Paul Wall, might choose to employ when moving from one area to another.

"I craw low, similar to a ant" -Paul Wall

"yo, what the fuck are you doin', ass bag?" I'm Paul Wall, baby!" "Are you tellin' me that you're 'crawlin' low, similar to a ant'?" "yes" "...douche bag..."
By Aveline
Similar Style Salutations
Simililar Style Salutations - When you see someone wearing the same attire and you give them a compliment about it. This friendly confrontation usually resolves in both subjects in good spirits.

Guy wearing American Apparel sweater - "Nice sweater"
Responsive Fellow (wearing same sweater) - "Why thank you- Oh my it appears we both have the same sweater! What a jubilant cooinkydink! Similar Style Salutations to your choice of garment too!"

By Livvyy