Smart and social animal. They like to eat jellyfish and dinosaurs. Snails live in big houses with gardens. Sometimes their house is set near a waterpool but as it is quite dangerous, not many settle there. One day the snails will rule the world, but not tomorrow because tomorrow is moving day. French also like to eat snails.
(v.) to send (a letter, card, or package) via physical mail; to mail or post (a tangible object) using a postal service. Bills and junk mail are perhaps the most common items snailed, but people snail personal letters and items as well.
When you take your penis, wrap it around your testicles, and then draw the tip out to the side, thus creating the snail's body with your penis and the shell is represented by the testicles.
v. (used for women) to be so sexually stimulated by the thought/sight/scent of a potential sexual partner that the loins become moist enough to leave a trail similar to that of a snail on the chair