Seeing and meeting a person for the first time and immediately having a connection that not only transcends in the physical but most importantly in the spiritual. Its a feeling that you have always known that person, maybe from a
past life, and automatically feel love for that person in the present. You want to be part of their lives and don't care of their past as an individual, but want to
evolve with that person in a life having a future together! It's an easy and effortless feeling to give every part of your soul to that person that you consider your
soul-mate. Its a
love that is more than physical but a love that is truely from God. A love that can overcome all obstacles and hardships in the relationsip...its trust, respect, kindness, honor, and faith.
You see that person for the first time and its not about their apperance, but a connection that is heart-sticken with possibility of
being together and intertwineing into one. To share happiness, joy,
saddness, hurt, and anything life throws at you. But you know that you can do it together and forever as a team...cause you have your
soul-mate by your side.