Define Soul Mate Meaning

Soul Mate
Someone who challenges you on multiple levels and you reciprocate, creating constant progression, development and innovation. Although, the term is most commonly referred to as a romantic relationship, a soul mate can also be a best friend. So do not be narrow-minded because Disney movies instilled a fantastical ideal of what a soul mate is.

soul mate
By Appolonia
Soul Mate
Your other half. The person who completes you. The person who makes you feel over and over again like you have butterflies.
They don't like you, they love you. Not the person you can spend the rest of your life with, but the person you can't spend the rest of your life without.

girl: do you like me?
boy: no
girl: weeps
boy: i dont like you i love you. and cant imagine life without you. You are my soul mate
By Minta
Soul Mate
Someone who knows you very well, and it scares the crap out of you. however, you love them, you are there for 'em, they can cry on your shoulder, you can laugh so hard you're rolling on the floor with them, you can't be mad at them even if they really mess things up for you or for themselves. they know your secrets, they understand the way your weird brain works (and who knows why, they LOVE it. creepy, i know), they surprise you and at the same time its just so easy to be yourself with them, no shame, no awkwardness, no waiting, worries, just total understanding.

if your boyfriend is your soul mate, your a damn lucky girl.

some believe it, some say its shit.

beware. when your in, no way out.
By Kerstin
Soul Mate
someone who loves you for who you are: someone who's really hard to find. soul mates are the people you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Kristina and Aaron are soul mates. They were made for each other.
By Leontyne
Soul Mate
someone you share a soul with. You find that person and then you mate for the rest of your lives because there is no one more perfect. That persons shares a soul so you will live in the after life together whether you meet them or not.

She is my soul mate and that is why I choose to marry her.
By Cecilia
Soul Mate
No one can predict when soul mates will meet. You will meet your soul mate when the souls are ready to meet. Fate and destiny contribute to the romantic bliss and happiness where both partners are so immersed in the strong karmic connection. The relationship between soul mates has a certain magical, mystical feel to it.The love is so strong the chemistry is unexplainable and sex is mind blowing. Destiny makes sure these people find each other and gives two people the opportunity to have a fabulous relationship, grow as people and learn valuable lessons. A soul mate relationship is a concert being conducted by the universe. With your soul mate before you, you shed the fears and masks that deny you real love. You both work together in balance and always striving for equality and respecting each others contributions. Love is the center of everything you do, the synergy will be magnified with the power you need to manifest your dreams together. Soul mates feel that their souls are connected no matter the distance. Everything blends together harmoniously, conversations flow seamlessly, you feel their touch when apart and their voice echoes in your mind peacefully. A soul mate is your twin, a reflection of yourself, someone that will hold your hand and walk with you in darkness. Your soul mate makes you proud and everything he/she does or says you find enlightening. A soul mate completes you.

Gracie: "I don't think my soul mate has any idea how much I love him. I will love him till infinity runs out:.
By Shelbi
Soul Mate
When someone knows just exactly where you are within seconds, just by the tone of your voice.

Adam knew I was at Dolores' house in seconds, just by hearing the tone of my voice, he must be my soul mate.
By Prudence
Soul Mate
The person who right from the start you know that there will be something special. It's the person that you will mess up your sleeping schedule for and the person you think about all the time, even when you're out with friends. When you're with this person you can lapse into silence without it ever being awkward and you can be soothed by their presence. The connection between soul mates cannot be severed by age, distance, or any obstacle. You can see a future with this person and long to see it become real. You wish to wake up next to them every day and hold them in your arms when you both fall asleep. When you find your soul mate it is the most fantastic experience ever. And it's the person you were thinking about when you read this.

"Oh I'm so in love with you, I know you're my soul mate"
By Randa
Seeing and meeting a person for the first time and immediately having a connection that not only transcends in the physical but most importantly in the spiritual. Its a feeling that you have always known that person, maybe from a past life, and automatically feel love for that person in the present. You want to be part of their lives and don't care of their past as an individual, but want to evolve with that person in a life having a future together! It's an easy and effortless feeling to give every part of your soul to that person that you consider your soul-mate. Its a love that is more than physical but a love that is truely from God. A love that can overcome all obstacles and hardships in the relationsip...its trust, respect, kindness, honor, and faith.

You see that person for the first time and its not about their apperance, but a connection that is heart-sticken with possibility of being together and intertwineing into one. To share happiness, joy, saddness, hurt, and anything life throws at you. But you know that you can do it together and forever as a team...cause you have your soul-mate by your side.
By Norry
Soul Mate
Your soul mate is the person you love unconditionally with all your heart. Just the sight of them makes your heart beat wildly and your stomache do backflips. While being in their presence fills you with a bliss that nothing else can give you.

The moment you are no longer in their presence the world seemingly turns dull and grey lacking its former luster, while your heart feels empty, without purpose, and your energy levels crash in the same way they do after an adrenaline, sugar and/or caffeine high.
Soul mates are people you can trust with your life, forgive without any explanation, love with your whole being, and grow old with. They are that one person it breaks your heart to say good bye to even if you are seperated for only moments...
Simply put your soul mate is the person life gives you to love and cherish with your whole heart and soul, they are the missing piece completing your life that you never want to let go of.

"Look at that cute old couple sharing an umbrella...."
"They seem so happy together..."
"They must be soul mates!"

Girl: "....can I stab him with my knife now...?" ψ(`∇´)ψ
Boy: "No dear, he's not worth getting your pretty hands dirty.... I'll just tase him for you~" (^^)
Girl: "But that means you get all the fun!!" (>^
By Amy