Define Spelled Meaning

The correct term for the past-tense of 'spell'. Commonly mistaken for the word 'spelt' which is a type of wheat grown in Europe.

I spelled that word correctly.
By Harmonia

wuht ish teh speling tset? O_o
By Elonore
1. Refers to the correct way to spell certain words.

2. Something that both n00bs and wannabe gangstas are incabable of learning, besides most people on the internet.

n00b: omg liek i ownn u baich u suk dog balz hahaahah

wannabe gangsta: Yo dis be dat new shitt dawg

What has happened to the world?? Does no one want to learn spelling anymore??

By Perri
A very basic skill that most of the contributers on UD need to learn.

I get annoyed reading entries on UD due to the poor spelling.
By Babb
What people are incapable of doing on the Internet.

It's "you," not "u." IT'S ONLY 2 MORE CHARACTERS.
By Gae
The correct arrangement of letters, to form words.

Sister: hey hey hey, wots dat?
Me: Type properly.
Sister: yer, w/e
By Marie-Ann

L0lzz!!! 5734m 5uX 1 r 73h 1337!

Spelling, O Spelling, where art thou? Along with grammar, punctuation...?
By Willette
Spelling is a great subject! Some think it's terribly boring, unuseful and just plainly bad. But to most of those who are bound to be 'good' at it normally enjoy it. Spelling is just wonderful. Sitting down, doing activities, adding on your vocabulary. Ahh. But in highschool you obviously don't do that.. Which is a shame... Well life is hard. SPELLING RULES.

Person who is good at spelling and is in primary school: YES! Spelling after recess! Wicked!
Person who is not too good at spelling: Ahh dammmm. We have a useless time period of spelling.
By Daloris
Noun: The acute feeling caused by observing a person's small but significant behavior that makes you feel so embarrassed you want to crawl out of your skin or sew your eyes shut. Typically, the cause of spell goes unacknowledged in the moment, by both the source of the spell, as well as the witnesses. Can leads to body chills, excessive cringing, and flashbacks to the particular moment of spell.

The guy I'm seeing earnestly played a cheesy song on his guitar without any irony - it gave me such spell.

An awkward missed high five or fist bump is ripe with spell.

This TV show, The Bachelor, is such a spell machine.
By Saraann
Something that a great many intelligent and creative people have problems with. The lack of this skill is a cause for alarm among the English majors. Mechanical memorisation that is beat into you in grade school that causes a life long dislike for the English language

If Spelling is the essence of great writing why don't we have a great proofreaders section at the library ?
By Elvera