Define Spiel Meaning

well rehearsed patter of salesperson or advocate of particular cause (1896), to gamble (1882), to play music (1870) also Spieler meaning a gambling club

don't give me that spiel
By Vinnie
spiel is the german word for game or the imperativ of play

to play a spiel

let's spiel man!
By Gerty

By Kirby
"Schpeel" isn't a word... From
spiel (spēl, shpēl) Informal
:A lengthy or extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade.
intr. & tr.v. spieled, spiel·ing, spiels
:To talk or say (something) at length or extravagantly.

a prepared speech made to persuade someone to buy or do something {German Spiel play}

If I wanted mindless political spiel, I would watch one of the national conventions on TV.
By Jeri
Spieling Peter
aka the CUTEST and most ADORABLE Peter Pan to ever walk this Earth, working at Disney Parks. No girl is able to resist his charm and childish wit, not to mention those gorgeous blue eyes. He is the definition of Ungghhhh.

I went to Disney world and I saw "Spieling Peter!" He even crowed for me!
By Beryl
Spiegel Spiel
From the German words for " mirror " and " play ", describing the playful and somewhat awkwardly amusing sidestepping of two people trying to politely let the the other pass, only to repeatedly move into each others way, as if they were mirror images.

Jenny and Mike went on a date after a spiegel spiel when he was leaving the star bucks and she was trying to get in.
By Dre
Hate Spiel
Used to show someone exactly how much you dislike them. A hate spiel is a series of events, negative in nature and usually but not always fictional, that you list and take credit for. It is usually concluded by an event more catastrophic than the others that you do not take credit for but instead laugh at.

Remember that person who tried to kill you? That was me. When your dog got poisoned? Also me. Your parents, hit by a car? Not me, but I laughed.
By Merilee
Spieling Peter Pan
He is Peter Pan...fully embodying the forever youthful Peter Pan.

Spieling Peter Pan is Peter Pan.
By Henrie
Firing off all ammunition in a firearm whilst climaxing from receiving felatio. When done properly the brass cartridges will bounce off the top of the head of the one performing the felatio in between the streams of semen rocketing down their throat.

"The only way I'm driving 150 miles for head is if that girl's gonna give me a Glock-en-spiel!"

"Honey, can you stop by the gun store on the way home? I wanna give you a Glock-en-spiel later."

"That girl totally blew me on the beach at sunrise this morning man. The best part was, It was a Total Glock-en-spiel! I emptied my magazine and my balls simultaneously!"
By Aurelia
Glock 'n' Spiel
Not to be confused with the old-fashioned xylophone-like instrument, this term refers to Madea's lengthy "gettin'-getter-got" monologue to Dr. Phil. in which she says she'll "get my Glock" if "the gotters get me".

Dr. Phil totally didn't know how to handle Madea after her rambling "Glock 'n' spiel", and so he told her retinue that they'd have to "get someone else to treat her --- I'm done".
By Micheline