Define Spirit Meaning

Ambitious, strong, beautiful, sexy, attractive, carefree, brave asf, nice, sweet, caring, bubbly, funny, sassy, sarcastic, dumb at times, acts like a lady when she wants, shy at first, seductive, joyful, always smiling, secretive, full of suprises

By Fawn
(1) An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor.

(2) An alcohol solution of an essential or volatile substance. Often used in the plural with a singular verb.

So I called up the Captain,
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine"
By Reggi
A Spirit ; One connected God, to higher levels and realms, things not of this world or man!.. some onewho feels and can foretell things before they happen.

One Important thing Is A spirit really doesn't like to
be fucked with!!.. But a Spirit Can be very loyal,trust worthy, loving and kind.

Yes, a spirit can be very helpful and blessing to the end if you prove worthy! But although a spirit can also be visa versa as well!.. Being Mean, cold hearted and brutal!...

And the worst part is YOU WONT EVEN SEE IT COMING! Yes, a spirit will do anything for the one's who treats it

with love, righteousness truth & Respect!

But If you anger or Hurt a will be the worst

thing you ever did!..Even if it's not intentional..

Yes a Spirit has a strong trust and Love .. But if it's ever broken, hurt or feel as if it's kindness has been taken for weakness... you will reep what you sow surely!!! But It may be certaincircumstances.. although will never forget all the wrongs you done. It will take a long time 4 it to ever trust and love again!.. because it's passion is LOVE & TRUST and all it really wants to
know..and the only option it does know!..

By Bobby
a ghost which has drunk too much vodka

random guy: can you see that ghost puking?
random guy 2: yeah, he's had too much spirit
By Libbie
Some thing of superstitions that is the essence of a dead person, in general a ghostlike thing that likes to screw u over if you do something wrong.

Spirits hate me... and i can't report em to the police.
By Mignon
something that cheerleaders have WAY to much of and the thing all the jocks at school pretend they have.. the whole purpose of things like "school spirit day" a waste of time

By Devora

The only good horse, is a happy horse.
By Kat

By Marcie
piece of crap car that has a major problem twice weekly circa 1990

By Nonie
With A Spirit
A song produced by 009 Sound System. It gain lots of internet attention due to the fact that this particular song gets played on almost every single youtube video there is , (Well not maybe all , but , the number isn't small.) because of Audioswap.

Its currently hated by lots of people , due to it's overusage.
Most people label this song as a g*y song or whatever.. Haters gonna hate.

Wow almost all the youtube videos you showed me have With A Spirit on it. What are you , a 009 fanboy?
By Tani