Define Sport Meaning

the name your dad calls you by that makes you feel like a total loser, which you probably are anyway (synonyms: champ, chief, etc.)

"Hey sport, whaddya say your old man teaches you to throw the ol' ball around today."
"Dad, I'm an All-American pitcher at U of Texas."
"Oh sorry son, the ol' ticker ain't what it used to be."
"Dad, please, you're embarrassing me in front of my bitch."
By Emmeline
The sociological phenomena where throwing large amounts of money at anything will cause participants and spectators alike to obsess over the subject in question.

"Think we can turn butter-churning into a sport?"
"I'm a multi-billionaire. I'll see what I can do."
By Alethea
An athletic competition that is objectively scored.

Soccer is a sport in which points are scored by kicking a ball into the opposing team's goal.

Cheerleading is not a sport because judges give you a subjective score.
By Kesley
games but are taken overly seriously at times. people take insults on their sports personal. its kinda funny

guy one: hey man no offense but i think your sport is kinda boring.
guy two: your mom's a hooker and your a faggot so fuck off
By Corly

Ay, check out Cecilia SPORTIN' that thong! Daiyam!
By Libbi
any activity that one can practice, AND compete in with others on different levels (eg. by class, district, state, national, etc).

Squash may not be as athletically challenging and demanding as football, but it is a sport.
By Marj
Something that requires a lot of activity and after it's done, nothing has changed, nothing at all. Except the bank accounts of those that are actually good at these sports.

Also: the pinnacle of inefficiency.

I'm too smart (lazy) to do sports
By Tresa
1. A competitive athletic event. 2. An excuse for extremely moronic men who consider themselves to be alpha males to make gorilla's look sophisticated in comparison. 3. Something that parents use to destroy a child's self esteem by denying their desire to develop their own talents. 4. I am and always have been an athlete so spare me your dime-store divination. 5. An agreed upon activity whereby a certain group of men can convince themselves that they are doing something that others are too afraid to do, when in reality those others in question are stealing their wives from under their cheap yellowing sneakers.

It's a good thing we're playing sports, Biff, otherwise given 5 minutes everybody would figure out that I can't read or write my own name.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! The teacher told me that my reseach paper was worthy of graduate students and she's going to send me to the best university in the galaxy! And she's going to pay for it!!"..."Sorry son, you missed baseball practice. If you don't have time for baseball practice how can you be a big ole high faluttin fancy pants writer man?"

"Hey Jim! Let's go down to the sports bar where us and the rest'a the guys can clog our hearts with hot wings and ranch dresing, getting even more morbidly obese while vicariously living out our failed dreams through people who would spit on us given the chance, all the while destroying what tiny amounts of braincells we have left with Pabst Blue Ribbon!"
By Patty
a sexual encounter that is merely for fun or to increase physical stamina

Hey Listen, lets just go home to my place and sport for a while.

I hate running for soccer, you wanna come over and we can just sport.
By Katerina
Verb. To make an unauthorized exit; leaving without permission. May especially apply to leaving work before the end of the day. Also applicable to family events or unpleasant but mandatory parties or appearances.

Joe is not here; he sported early;
This party sucks. Let's sport on out of here.
By Miof Mela