Define Square Meaning

(1) Unexciting, unadventurous, mainstream or dull. Generally used in describing a person with such attributes or who plays it safe. Historically, derived from a person whose goal in life is to have three "squares" a day (see definition (3) below), a roof over his head, a respectable job, a house, 2.5 kids, etc. Became a hip/popular expression of derision of the mainstream in the beat generation.

(2) Proper, decent, straightforward, acceptable, even.

(3) A regular and decent meal.

(1) Naw, he's a square; he won't dance (do anything exciting), he'll just shoot crows (go home).

(2) Hey man, thanks for takin' care of that, you're all square with me now.

(3) Dack is joining the army; at least he gets a dry bunk and three squares a day.
By Leesa

aaron: "hey steve, can i bum a square off of you?"
justin: "a wHaT!!??"
aaron: "a cigarette, you square."
justin: "did you just call me a cigarette?! aw HELL no..."
By Karel
1. (n; adj) A person who is regarded as dull, rigidly conventional, and out of touch with current trends.

2. (prop n) Video game production company who created the Final Fantasy and Chrono series of video games for the last two decades.

By Wilmette
A noticeably unhip, mainstream individual, a straight. Someone either ignorant or disinterested of underground subcultures. The antithesis of a hipster.

I like Lee, but she's a total square.
By Minette

"you gotta a square?"

-- do you have a cigarette?
By Jandy

Yo, here dat nickel I owe yaz, we square now.
By Christen
Someone who is unaware of or oblivious to a specific subculture; one who "doesn't get it." An old-fashioned expression.

On the hunt for marijuana, Tim asked the guy if he knew where he could find some "herbal refreshment" but the guy was such a square he though Tim was looking for tea.
My lesbian friend Liz was telling me that she was hitting on a girl at a bar the other night, but she was a square and thought Liz was just being friendly.
By Alissa
someone un-cool or un-fashionable

also known as L7

"You're such a square"
By Colleen
Opposite of groovy. Unlike a round, long-playing vinyl record which has one playable groove on each side, a square record would not track a tone arm and cannot be played. There is no music and no soul in a square record. Something or something square just isn't with it, and lacks fun and liveliness.

Man, you don't dig this music? You are like really square.
By Adelina

the yola is going for 1200 a square
By Della