Define Stephen Conroy Meaning

Stephen Conroy
Australian Minister for Broadband and Communications (basically everything digital within Australia). Best known for his sheer stupidity regarding the area he's supposed to be in charge of, he's trying to push into our internet system a filter supposedly to "block child porn" - what it's really for is to block everything he doesn't like. Said filter has been proven to be a complete piece of shit (for example, it blocked a fucking kennel boarding site! Seriously? Something that helps the animals? Conroy, you fucknut.), and is hated by just about everyone with half a working brain. Of course, being butthurt, the only counter he can come up with is "if you don't like my plan you must be a pedophile!" Worst part? He wants it to be MANDATORY, despite even the senators advocating it demanding that it be optional - if he wins, say goodbye to free speech and get ready pack your bags and flee to Scandinavia.

Stephen Conroy: Once we stamp out freedom of speech we can work on stamping out freedom of thought!
By Annemarie